View Full Version : Machine Discussion
- What do you guys make???
- ABEC: What Dose It Mean ?
- How to make Clamping Devices
- need someone with cnc brains help
- Conversion Tables TO - FROM Imperial/Metric
- Unit Conversion Tool 5.1
- Re: What is a Banjo ?
- Tapping Delrin for M10 threaded rod - doable?
- Dead pillar drill...
- Wow, stepping 13"/second
- Trueing up chuck jaws
- Warco Drawbar woes...
- Machine Problem - Rockcliff
- new machine too noisy
- Droping Steps, closed loop ? HELP !!!
- How to make something like this?
- Looking for Vacuum/Swarf extraction tubing
- Noob alert - 'Starter for 10' feed rates for MDF
- What type of mill are people using
- Now we are cooking
- & todays random 'wet behind the ears' questions are....
- Can I retap a 1/2" 24tpi UNF female thread -> M12?
- DIY Vacuum Table
- CNC 4th Axis at work
- Safe Z Arghhhhhhhh!! Whats going on!
- Trueing chuck jaws, take 2, or a day well spent...
- Drill/Mill Spindle brake (RF30)
- making very fine slots...
- Problem with Millpwr...
- Machinery shops in London
- Best educational experience for my students, CNC or 3D printing?
- Grumble moan complain
- DP of gears, whats it all mean?
- z axis loosing steps
- Z Problem
- Milling vice jaws - regrinding
- Help wanted
- Any thoughts on pendants?
- Where to get gear blanks in UK...
- Need a perfect 8mm hole - to ream or bore?
- Setting up work on the rotary table
- Skimming the mill bed
- parametric equations
- Setting Z height with an ER32 collet
- Need advice on surface finish
- Voodoo jogging problem..
- help please with first attempt
- Mounting a chuck on a Rotary table
- CNC machines
- Need helpwiring up from scratch
- Sourcing "US/ANSI" parts in UK?
- Wood cnc router for hobbyist
- wabeco cc-f1210e cnc.
- cadcam and collada
- How-To: Feed Rate Calculation
- Fancy a challenge?
- Total novice and lost
- got a problem cant find belts for lathe
- Looking for thin plastic? sheet
- Plasma - Big Problems - HF Start !!!
- Please request ugly
- Pipe thread in 22 tpi???
- today i will be eating mostly Y axis
- Level Y Axis
- Workpiece hold down by glue
- CNC repair
- ELU 860 R 16 and Easy CNC Software
- I Need Help with an ELU 860
- Clocking
- speed controler
- X and Y axis stalling
- Calculating torque settings for bolts.
- Mill gear box oil
- Workshop dust!
- problem: y-axis only moves in one direction using TB6560 board off email
- need help
- Interact series 2 speed controller problem
- Need some ideas
- Converting Imperial fractions to metric. Solution?
- Nut solution made easy
- collection of CNC machines . . .
- One step forward two back
- Finally getting somewhere
- The cutting fun begins
- Is this an example of what backlash can do?
- The CNC machine I won on ebay
- Ragged edges
- Problems Machining Makrolon Polycarbonate
- Cutting out a circle
- slotting the edge on a cnc machine?
- How deep can i cut MDF?
- newbie desperate for a shove in the right direction
- help needed for .drg files
- Leadwell/ Fanuc Om control manual
- Finally bought a CNC router!
- Post processor Sei
- Cheap Sign Foam Alternative
- The reason of noise of Engraving machine and solutions
- something quite funny
- can't cut straight or even drill straight, so need help
- Y axis is making X axis stall...!!
- Gang Tooling Block
- Top speed failing after a bit
- Which Bench top CNC machine for jewellery etc
- Big problems with cutting HDPE can you help?
- Custom Vacuum Table 'Hold Down' System - piping/valve advice
- How anti social!
- internal rad
- What frame bed and where to buy?
- Z axis error woes
- coolant
- been playing this weekend
- Z acting Strange
- Mystery Profile, Please Help!
- wall cnc like the wall saw
- sawing cutter MT3 (need identify what bits one could buy for this tool)
- copying jigs on a cnc
- CNC about to arrive from China
- Cutting Carbon Fibre
- Cutting/Milling Glass?
- Hold down clamps, what do you use?
- Cutting 1.6mm mild steel with a CNC machine?
- 4x6 Metal Bandsaw Mods
- How to cut small parts on a vacuum bed
- Build or buy?
- T-Track and Fitments
- Foam , crumb collection?
- Random Z-Axis plunge
- Drilling Acrylic with CamBam
- Securing the workpiece
- Z axis not cutting to required depth
- Delrin & Nylon S & F please
- Blind people doing machining - The Lighthouse for the Blind
- Getting ahead of myself - using a pyrograph in a CNC router
- design choices when the budget will not stretch?
- Y axis stalling
- Which saw to get?
- Chip load chart
- Next Industrial Revolution - 20ft Shipping Container
- Uneven cut
- Vac - clamp looks interesting and cheap what do you think?
- THC lifting off sheet?
- pillar drill?
- Advice needed on feeds and speeds!
- cheap dust collection solution?
- foamex... to cnc or not??
- Acrylic Cutting Help
- What size clamping holes ?
- Compressor specification for alu chip blower
- Its all about knowing when to give up!!!!
- torques - rough estimates for wrench ranges
- ISO30 v BT30???
- Machining Insulation foam
- Cut quality
- Cutter question
- What kind of machine will do stainless steel or brass engraving
- Cutting Perspex?
- Z axis trouble
- Engraving brass
- why you need a CNC machine.
- My first engineering shop experience
- Web based micro-industries (CNC machines)?
- the mystery of the wonky corners
- Pillar Drill Restoration
- Upgrade? Chinese CNC Machine
- threadmilling!!
- Ridges in 3D profiles = hair loss and lots sandpaper
- JHF CNC Manuals
- Good quality pillar drill?
- Getting rid of fuzzies
- Toolpath not cutting as shown
- help, why does my machine cut further than it should
- Rebuilt gerber 48 value
- rough traversing and stalling only in main screen
- Ash Can Filter very cheap dust filter :)
- Ebay purchase of RECORD SCM 120 router
- Desktop cnc, HELP
- Cutting problems on a gerber
- Accuracy Problem
- Ancient CNC machine- advice needed!
- Engineering Calculators - speeds, feeds, torque, etc.
- A decent little (PCB miilling) Chinese machine...
- ISEL GFM 4433/ educam 44
- Method for holding Stock
- what spindle should i buy for an isel fb2 machine?
- Holding down sheet material.
- Cnc cutting the wrong size..
- machine cutting sequence, keeps returning to the original point
- Home is where the part is?
- questions...questions
- uPVC CNC Corner Cleaner
- desktop CNC to cut alloy
- Gerber system 48 Plus router
- CNC machine for the London Hackspace
- Competition!!! Find That controller!! Greyhound GC30/40
- When Home 3D Printing goes wrong lol :)
- Portable CNC flame plasma cutting machine
- taperlock fit on a shaft - h5 / h6 ?
- HELP! Problem drilling 2.39 dia hole in Ali casting
- The Eagle has landed or rather "The ISEL has landed".
- Milling mild steel
- Skimming yer bed.... does anyone use a fly cutter?
- gerber system 48 plus sizing problem
- Circular Pocket problem?
- Flappy machine - Advise needed please!
- I want a vacuum table!
- Drilling operations on a 3 Axis Router
- Z-Plunge advice sought...
- New 6040 owner looking for advice from others with a chinese 6040/3040
- New spindle needing new mounts
- Is it possible, oval recess with sides that gently rise
- Yet another Chinese 3020 CNC upgrade thread!
- Moving Heavy Machine
- The ideal CNC machine for my (basic)needs?
- counterbalancing the spindle
- Sameca bar feeder problems
- wadkin ux2lc/c3 with bosh cc100 controller
- Spindle too heavy?
- CNC router occasionally makes jarring noise and home jumps when it does this. Help!!
- X Y balanced drive motors.
- Converting KRV 2000, dimension from an XYZ required
- Commercial CNC machine lifespan?
- Run a CNC without a PC
- Need help, buy or build to cut steel, stainless steel, titanium etc
- CNC machine "Spanish" model . Advice and opinions needed!
- Ignoring tool change
- Font cutting
- Best all round mill/router? Vertical mill or gantry router?
- Vice / vices for Denford Triac
- CNC machine cutting incorrect dimensions
- Hole Radius
- Pacer 900
- JGRO router in use
- keeping DTIs perpendicular for runouot checks
- Second hand machines & their features
- FLDG6090 with NK105 Controller
- The ox max cnc
- The ox max cnc
- Tool changer needs 100 PSI my compressor is not up to it, anyone know a good one?
- Machine on the way
- Help needed identifying this 1300x2500 CnC Router Machine!
- Help needed, advice on dismantelking baring holder/ballscrew
- Help on a couple of "niggles" with my machine.
- Anyone Help
- feedrate stuck on low
- Plastics for machining?
- Time for a new machine - need help!
- Trend CNC Mini
- advise on drive shaft diameters
- Fix engrave vertical gap or Upgrading laser cutter control card Leetro MPC6515 ?
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