View Full Version : General Electronics
- +5V TTL Signal
- Limit Switches
- Validation of power supply
- Schematic Symbol Reference
- dc amps vs ac amps
- Solid State Relay to Switch Transformer?
- PSU ramblings
- How to control fan speed?
- Which USB parallel port emulator is the best
- To SmoothStepper or not to - that is the question
- Panel Mount Voltage Regulator / Knob
- Chronoscope Calibration Tool
- What type of resistor?
- Ooooooo Smoothstepper nasty
- Ok, I'm stumped. Question for Gary (ZAPP)
- Wiring home and limit switches
- CNC Pendant with 100 MPG
- Stepping down from 5v to 3-4.5v
- Resistor Calculator
- Well, it had to happen
- PWM Fan control, is this suitable?
- Where did you learn electronics?
- Wiring a Teco inverter
- Motors and Board? Problem.
- Any good low cost laser module?
- Motor / drive wiring problem: help!
- Wiring in power and E-stop on DIYCNC Board
- Easy & cheap high amp and volt PSU source
- Bit OT - accurate timing
- power supply
- maximum amps
- Help! Stepper control board
- connecting stepper driver to PC
- Driver box
- 250mW LASER stuck on
- Simple Current Limiter (LM317)
- ebay power supply
- eBay Stepper Motor Drivers from China
- Treadmill motors
- Minit lathe - can you help ID my wiring?!
- Getting electronic components
- Limit switch's - best configuration?
- SMD-How to guide?
- Display bezel
- Proximity Sensors as Limit Switches ?
- Dremel into spindal board
- Any guys from Tyne & Wear?
- HELP Please 24V power supply went dead
- Hardinge hc chucker wiring diagram
- wiring up my motors
- A brushless DC motor with no back EMF - E-Orbo current/voltage traces.
- Metal shielded cabling
- Bipolar motor voltage
- 12V Fan off 230v power supply ?
- Honey I blew up the mini lathe speed control board
- Bosch vm100r/t
- 2 Machines 1 Switch for the output - Connections
- plan request connection card PCPPS
- ghost in the x axis - bad electrical connection
- i need more power LOL
- Strange issue with mach3 and limit switches! what could it be!!!!
- Cheap Idea for a DRO
- Looking for a 3 axis kit like this please
- power supply problms
- re servo encoder
- Unipolar stepper motor with ULN2003?
- Laser Diode Constant Current Driver
- Motor & Driver setup
- Amazing what you can do with computers....! "Autonomous Quadcopters"
- 4.5 to 25volt 15Amp power supply circuit
- ATX power supply - load resistor - do I need one ?
- Pen Lasers
- limit switch connector options?
- Using TIP142 insteed of TIP120 to run stepper motor.
- CY or SY cable for stepper motor wiring?
- CPC,Farnell
- Error on a Bosch cc 220 control (Need help)
- dc motor help
- Limit switch wiring question ...
- Homing Switches
- Guidance please ...
- Motor controller next to break out board?
- Temperature Controlled Soldering Iron
- sourcing transformers
- Motor noise
- help me for wiring
- Home made (easy ? ) MPG
- motor start capacitor
- Contactor sizing?
- Printed Circuit Boards manufacturer
- Parker Digiplan schematics
- Limit switch Cable ...
- pendants/mpg
- denford easiturn
- Alternator low voltage
- is this kit any good
- PLC/Programmable chip suggestions
- Encoder Signal to PC
- Power Supplies - In rush supressors
- drive control system
- scanner
- Spare Capacity?
- budget matching of electronic components.
- wiring for drag chains
- Toroidal transformer voltages - sanity check needed!
- wiring e-stop button
- AC Motor rewinders
- PCB prototypes
- Cable + Connector issues
- help connecting a pot to huanyang vfd 2.2
- question about relays
- Minimal-cost Power Supply Strategy - Repurpose Laptop Power Supplies
- 5-axis Breakout Includes Hand-Held Control Port & 3,4,5-axis Postion-Display Port
- DC motor drive circuit?
- voltage on motor wires
- Uniport and limit switches.
- Motor? Winch? Other?
- Wiring 3 phase
- Home switching
- DRives and Controls 2012
- value of home switches
- Centre tap transformer?
- Heidenhain DRO fault
- huanyang vfd 2.2 error E.CO.A
- Raspberry Pi
- Running 4 axis from a ps806 or sps705 psu
- mystery motor??? what is it for???
- advice on upgrade to 5 axis control
- Torch Height control
- Mach3 and LCD
- Outrunner Spindle Parts?
- Stepper Driver / PSU / Breakout board Wiring ?
- 19inch Rack Enclosure - interference?
- Mains, PSUs and other goodies.
- Schematic anyone?
- Earthing?
- Drag Chains
- What's the diffrence in the 5V 4-Channel Relay vs a ZP-4WAY-RB
- Raspberry Pi as a PC + Mach3 .. very possible
- World's dumbest DB25 (parallel port) Breakout Board?
- Terminal blocks
- Strangest answer to a Simple Question !
- Limit switch issues?!?
- Milliamps and voltage help please
- Build Log: Robotising a RC tank (first attempt)
- PS806-5 Power Supply
- Advice on a charge controller please :)
- Home switches not resoponding
- 240v Stepper drivers
- Power Supply Suggestions please..
- broken ultrasonic cleaner?
- Multi wire plugs
- breakout boards what are you using
- PCPPS V3 Power Supply?
- Quick cable question
- Setting Bridgeport Heidenhain System …
- E-STOP Circuit - will this cause any problems?
- Limit Switches with LED's
- PSU question
- Wire.. Oh why so many types....
- Any arduino coders here?
- Review: Design Spark PCB software
- Limit switches PCB schematic verification.
- Stepper motor drive using mach3 from parallel port
- Cooling pump suggestions
- Chester MF42B Lathe Wiring Issues
- RCD tripping
- Running a three phase router/mill on a generator?
- Do you make stuff with knobs on?
- Help with 3 axis CNC motor and drives
- Robot arm control electronics
- Pks-digiplan sd2 driver IC help please
- ID This PCB
- wiring
- How hard is it to make diy PCBs if you’re a Noob ?
- convert 3 phase to single phase?
- New Motherboards and LTP1 ports. (You might have one)
- Resistor Question
- Need a quick hand with some resitors please
- Unmodified Orac question
- Repairing an encoder and tach cable
- Advice Needed - Control Panel
- Help Make 1st Step - Wiring Up Drivers to Motor and Arduino
- Cable drag chain
- Power Supplies
- Make your own Super- PID ... not that hard to make ! .... says electronics genius!
- dxf to pcb
- Cable Size ?
- Question on PCB and routing
- PCB Track Width Calculator
- Motor Identification
- 24v power supply for safety system
- Pilz Relay info
- Working / Diagnostic drawings
- can I have my power supply in a seperate box?
- Proximity Sensors / Mach3 not showing
- Newall DRO broken;-(
- Reducing 12v DC to 0.5V DC no more than 1A draw
- shed/garage electronics,
- Eagle Cadsoft help please
- Wiring diagram for 4x4 cnc router
- is anyone running the £88 free delivery chinese usb bob's
- Gunna Bin The Lot GRR
- need an experienced eye to cast a look over this driver
- PDS-E PDS13E, PDS15E & PDS-D PDS15E-D Manuals
- Toroidal Transformer
- Driver wiring advice needed...
- Proximity sensor help required
- BOB & Stepper Drive
- PSU : prices and differences
- Mitsubishi E600 HMI
- Control Panel Guidance
- Proximity Switches
- just flicking spindle on and off with a relay
- Help with Supply Indicator Lights
- Where to get PCBs made in reasonable quantities?
- Power Supply Questions and Advice Needed
- Probably a stupid thought - VFDs, Transformer & switched load
- Power Supply Build for Router CNC
- One limit switch per axis
- understanding stepper motor ratings.
- 24v Limit/Home switches. How to..?
- Leadshine website and AM882
- Servos, 24V logic, and cable routing
- VFD Wiring Diagram
- Domestic ring main wiring
- Limit Switches
- Excellent info here regarding electrical noise, ideal for panels and machine wiring.
- single and 3 phase motor sizing and mounting ?
- help sizing toroidal PSU to stepper/drives
- Vacuum pump for a large matrix bed cnc 5 by 10 foot
- Any qualified electricians here?
- Anybody know about Modbus addressing?
- screening / glitchy operation - sanity check
- How to Wire this Sensor
- Limit and Home Switch Choice
- Breakout Board
- 2.2kw spindle parts
- Tonsen 4 Axis Controller/Bob
- Another Home - Limit switch question
- Proximity Wiring Problem
- -10V to 10v circuit
- Proximity limit switch problems
- UIM2901-5A Mach 3 BOB wiring
- Help on building an enclosure
- Soft Start Advice
- heidenhain vrz731b fault
- motor and spindle cable size?
- Recycle electronics or scrap?
- Show me pics of your nicely layed out 3 drives -bob and psu 'in a case'
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