- Chinese CNC machine...whatchathink?
- What is your opinion of the CNC 6040 Router Machine ?
- Strange problem, possibly missing steps?
- Chinese 6040 CNC Router Advise Needed
- Chinese X6-1500 vs German High-Z S-720
- CNC3040Z Motor and Spindle Selection.
- On going chinese 6040 problems
- Router losing steps. Solution needed. Will this help?
- Z axis hesitating
- NCStudio to Mach3 question for a chinese 3020 router
- Black Cat 3020 CNC not cutting square problem
- Wanted - Delrin nuts for Chinese 3020 CNC - X and Y axis
- Random Erratic Possible Stalling Problem with router
- 3040 machine - Which axis has the flexible couplings?
- 3040T CNC Router Control box .. ..
- Stepper motors not moving
- 3040Z machine spindle upgrade/modification
- 2008 EM 1325 CNC router
- More Problems with Chinese 6040
- Floating Head for 3020
- 6040 Spindle Coolant
- ArtCam and 6040 - Spindle raises super high between engraving each letter
- Engraving small font - the bit digs deeper and deeper as the job goes on. 6040z
- Need a copy of Ncstudio .....win xp plz
- Drag chain size and length needed for 6040 CNC
- 4 pin extension leads
- Broken ballscrew ball? OmioCNC X6-2200L machine
- Mini cnc
- Saving For CNC
- About to take the plunge - quick power question 3020 CNC
- CNC 3040T-DJ Router spindle won't stop spinning
- Can't Get my New Machine to work
- Spindle Speed Control
- stepmores cnc router 1325
- Newbie looking at 6040 (China CNC) for polypropylene 15mm sheet
- Z axis problem
- Have your say about this chinese cnc milling machine
- cant get spindle to work with Mach3
- New HY6040 chinese machine ready to cut!!
- Where Do The Wires Go ?
- what plugs are these ?
- Shanghai Shi Shun 3040 4 axis corrupt user manual
- 3020T Capabilities
- Home Switch Problem
- Vise / workholding for CNC 6040
- Home switch back off
- Replacement cables
- Choosing a Chinese supplier
- strange goings on
- Y axis problem
- Spindle clamps 6040
- KEW 1212 VFD type
- stepper motor plug
- Critique my (steel) chinese machine (AccTek)
- Machine keeps stopping?
- BUILD LOG: My Cheapo Chineese 3020t mini CNC Build (more like improvements) leanring all the way
- Are you glad to have bought a Chinese made CNC Router?
- 4Axis 0.8KW Router Engraving Machine Milling Drilling Engravor 3040 CNC Machine
- x,y and z axis problems on 3040T
- Cnc 3040 z ball screw
- 6040Z USB CNC - USB port not recognised.
- 6040 x-axis movement and cutting erratically
- Profile Circle on 3040
- My new 6040 improvement plan.
- Typical variance on 6040 bed height?
- What is the best way to Test a chines machine?
- Can anyone identify this control board and help use it
- Help please on physical setup between 6040 and PC
- Where is the fountain of knowledge for learning about CNC setups / understanding them
- Help! Need 3040 CNC (JP-1482) spindle/power board replacement??
- CNC3040 Z Probe problem.
- CNC 6040z USB z-axis
- Ele 2030-3s
- Chinese mini cnc 2030 USB Controller MK1
- How foolish should I feel
- Chinese 4 x 4 production grade machine - Brands names to look at it steer clear of?
- Weird NC Studio behaviour after manual tool change
- 6040 y axis
- Y Stepper turns when spindle is on
- Samples of my chinese wood lathe
- Problems with a new 3040 machine
- Jiachen 1216 router Help ?
- Jiachen 1216DS - Manual or Driver for DSP
- Machine Down!!
- chinese 3040 3 axis cnc router
- Chinese 3040T-DJ Engraver
- Auto sensor XYZ
- Need help 6040 mc and i cant get software to control spindle
- Z stepper motor problem
- CNC router Indiao JDM25
- Chinese 6040 stepper drives
- KEW1212 and NCStudio
- CNC3018 - avoid?
- OmniTech 1212 trouble
- 6040Z USB connection issues
- CNC 3020/3040 change board?
- Advice on new set up for 6040 CNC machine
- cnc rc1325 help
- HELP! My Spartan PJCM 1325-3 spindle won't run after new inverter installed.
- z axis increases height with every pass
- Modifying a 6040 machine
- Cncest 6060 controller rebuild
- 3018 Pro has no connectivity on A5 pins.
- A5 pins fine after all.
- Great youtube channel for CNC beginners like me with a cheap Chinese machine.
- Help with CNC 3018 from Banggood
- Help connecting JP-3163B control board to ASK131NBC-3015 VFD
- 4 th axis
- 3018 not moving
- 3040
- Replacement for really noisy coolant pump?
- CNC 3018 Pro - Z Axis Stability improvement idea..
- New 3018 Pro problems
- How accurate is a Chinese 3018?
- Fuling DZB200 Inverter
- Spindle control from Mach3 - CNCEST 6040 1.5kW 24000rpm
- CNCEST 6040 VFD rewire to ST-V2 board help
- Help requested - installing end stop sensors onto my chinese 3018 Pro
- Problem using cnc3018 with offline controller
- 3018 Pro 3 Axis Mini DIY CNC Router problem
- X axis drive
- What software do you use on these chinese machines
- Cncst4060
- Water-cooled spindle maintenance
- 3018 stops after short move
- CNC 6040 Chinese Problems / Inputs / Touch Probe setup / Limit switchs
- I need help
- Wiring limit switches to latest Banggood 3018 control board
- microstepping and speed questions
- Parts needed for chinese machine
- Lubrication
- cnc 3018 Pro swap grbl board for 32 bit
- Dead Spindle Motor
- CNC 3018 PCB drill bit break
- [Help please] 3040 GRBL converted stepper driver issues
- step and dir pulse problem Mach3
- chinese router atc upgrade
- CNC controller
- YOOcnc with 450JKB interface
- E stop wiring
- 6040Z HELP please
- 3018 X axis play
- No Jogging in Y+
- Help! Z Axis drift during machining
- Warning against AccTek
- Vevor 3018 pro
- Chinese TPR-1325
- CNC4YOU MM32L spindle bearings.
- CNC newbie