View Full Version : Chinese Machines

  1. Chinese CNC machine...whatchathink?
  2. What is your opinion of the CNC 6040 Router Machine ?
  3. Strange problem, possibly missing steps?
  4. Chinese 6040 CNC Router Advise Needed
  5. Chinese X6-1500 vs German High-Z S-720
  6. CNC3040Z Motor and Spindle Selection.
  7. On going chinese 6040 problems
  8. Router losing steps. Solution needed. Will this help?
  9. Z axis hesitating
  10. NCStudio to Mach3 question for a chinese 3020 router
  11. Black Cat 3020 CNC not cutting square problem
  12. Wanted - Delrin nuts for Chinese 3020 CNC - X and Y axis
  13. Random Erratic Possible Stalling Problem with router
  14. 3040 machine - Which axis has the flexible couplings?
  15. 3040T CNC Router Control box .. ..
  16. Stepper motors not moving
  17. 3040Z machine spindle upgrade/modification
  18. 2008 EM 1325 CNC router
  19. More Problems with Chinese 6040
  20. Floating Head for 3020
  21. 6040 Spindle Coolant
  22. ArtCam and 6040 - Spindle raises super high between engraving each letter
  23. Engraving small font - the bit digs deeper and deeper as the job goes on. 6040z
  24. Need a copy of Ncstudio .....win xp plz
  25. Drag chain size and length needed for 6040 CNC
  26. 4 pin extension leads
  27. Broken ballscrew ball? OmioCNC X6-2200L machine
  28. Mini cnc
  29. Saving For CNC
  30. About to take the plunge - quick power question 3020 CNC
  31. CNC 3040T-DJ Router spindle won't stop spinning
  32. Can't Get my New Machine to work
  33. Spindle Speed Control
  34. stepmores cnc router 1325
  35. Newbie looking at 6040 (China CNC) for polypropylene 15mm sheet
  36. Z axis problem
  37. Have your say about this chinese cnc milling machine
  38. cant get spindle to work with Mach3
  39. New HY6040 chinese machine ready to cut!!
  40. Where Do The Wires Go ?
  41. what plugs are these ?
  42. Shanghai Shi Shun 3040 4 axis corrupt user manual
  43. 3020T Capabilities
  44. Home Switch Problem
  45. Vise / workholding for CNC 6040
  46. Home switch back off
  47. Replacement cables
  48. Choosing a Chinese supplier
  49. strange goings on
  50. Y axis problem
  51. Spindle clamps 6040
  52. KEW 1212 VFD type
  53. stepper motor plug
  54. Critique my (steel) chinese machine (AccTek)
  55. Machine keeps stopping?
  56. BUILD LOG: My Cheapo Chineese 3020t mini CNC Build (more like improvements) leanring all the way
  57. Are you glad to have bought a Chinese made CNC Router?
  58. 4Axis 0.8KW Router Engraving Machine Milling Drilling Engravor 3040 CNC Machine
  59. x,y and z axis problems on 3040T
  60. Cnc 3040 z ball screw
  61. 6040Z USB CNC - USB port not recognised.
  62. 6040 x-axis movement and cutting erratically
  63. Profile Circle on 3040
  64. My new 6040 improvement plan.
  65. Typical variance on 6040 bed height?
  66. What is the best way to Test a chines machine?
  67. Can anyone identify this control board and help use it
  68. Help please on physical setup between 6040 and PC
  69. Where is the fountain of knowledge for learning about CNC setups / understanding them
  70. Help! Need 3040 CNC (JP-1482) spindle/power board replacement??
  71. CNC3040 Z Probe problem.
  72. CNC 6040z USB z-axis
  73. Ele 2030-3s
  74. Chinese mini cnc 2030 USB Controller MK1
  75. How foolish should I feel
  76. Chinese 4 x 4 production grade machine - Brands names to look at it steer clear of?
  77. Weird NC Studio behaviour after manual tool change
  78. 6040 y axis
  79. Y Stepper turns when spindle is on
  80. Samples of my chinese wood lathe
  81. Problems with a new 3040 machine
  82. Jiachen 1216 router Help ?
  83. Jiachen 1216DS - Manual or Driver for DSP
  84. Machine Down!!
  85. chinese 3040 3 axis cnc router
  86. Chinese 3040T-DJ Engraver
  87. Auto sensor XYZ
  88. Need help 6040 mc and i cant get software to control spindle
  89. Z stepper motor problem
  90. CNC router Indiao JDM25
  91. Chinese 6040 stepper drives
  92. KEW1212 and NCStudio
  93. CNC3018 - avoid?
  94. OmniTech 1212 trouble
  95. 6040Z USB connection issues
  96. CNC 3020/3040 change board?
  97. Advice on new set up for 6040 CNC machine
  98. cnc rc1325 help
  99. HELP! My Spartan PJCM 1325-3 spindle won't run after new inverter installed.
  100. z axis increases height with every pass
  101. Modifying a 6040 machine
  102. Cncest 6060 controller rebuild
  103. 3018 Pro has no connectivity on A5 pins.
  104. A5 pins fine after all.
  105. Great youtube channel for CNC beginners like me with a cheap Chinese machine.
  106. Help with CNC 3018 from Banggood
  107. Help connecting JP-3163B control board to ASK131NBC-3015 VFD
  108. 4 th axis
  109. 3018 not moving
  110. 3040
  111. Replacement for really noisy coolant pump?
  112. CNC 3018 Pro - Z Axis Stability improvement idea..
  113. New 3018 Pro problems
  114. How accurate is a Chinese 3018?
  115. Fuling DZB200 Inverter
  116. Spindle control from Mach3 - CNCEST 6040 1.5kW 24000rpm
  117. CNCEST 6040 VFD rewire to ST-V2 board help
  118. Help requested - installing end stop sensors onto my chinese 3018 Pro
  119. Problem using cnc3018 with offline controller
  120. 3018 Pro 3 Axis Mini DIY CNC Router problem
  121. X axis drive
  122. What software do you use on these chinese machines
  123. Cncst4060
  124. Water-cooled spindle maintenance
  125. 3018 stops after short move
  126. CNC 6040 Chinese Problems / Inputs / Touch Probe setup / Limit switchs
  127. I need help
  128. Wiring limit switches to latest Banggood 3018 control board
  129. microstepping and speed questions
  130. Parts needed for chinese machine
  131. Lubrication
  132. cnc 3018 Pro swap grbl board for 32 bit
  133. Dead Spindle Motor
  134. CNC 3018 PCB drill bit break
  135. [Help please] 3040 GRBL converted stepper driver issues
  136. step and dir pulse problem Mach3
  137. chinese router atc upgrade
  138. CNC controller
  139. YOOcnc with 450JKB interface
  140. E stop wiring
  141. 6040Z HELP please
  142. 3018 X axis play
  143. No Jogging in Y+
  144. Help! Z Axis drift during machining
  145. Warning against AccTek
  146. Vevor 3018 pro
  147. Chinese TPR-1325
  148. CNC4YOU MM32L spindle bearings.
  149. CNC newbie