View Full Version : Stepper & Servo Motors

  1. motors in the UK
  2. Mariss Freimanis Steppers vs Servos Advantages/Disadvantages of both
  3. Wire Connection Diagrams
  4. UniPolar vs BiPolar
  5. Stepping Motors & Drivers
  6. At last, found the bug
  7. What stepper motor size (torque)
  8. Investigating unknown stepper motors
  9. optical encoders for stepper motors
  10. Is this a really good stepper?
  11. Stepper motor help
  12. some questions on tuning and motors
  13. Have I got the maths right?
  14. High Torque Motor Z Axis
  15. PDA Controlling A Steeper Motor
  16. Astrosyn MY103H702
  17. Arc Eurotrade stepper
  18. Closed Loop steppers
  19. wiring help
  20. Stepper Motor Wiring (Screened?)
  21. rs stepper motors
  22. Denford Triac stepper motor
  23. stepper speed very slow
  24. Driving 2 steppers from one driver?
  25. What size stepper motor do I-need.
  26. Had a go using motorcalc sheet but does not look right.
  27. Stepper motor help.
  28. Emco 5PC steppers
  29. Stepper motor wiring
  30. Help with Stepper Motors
  31. microstep uniformity
  32. Are the Zapp 3NM steppers good with their PM-752 drivers?
  33. stepper motors glitching
  34. Advive needed.
  35. M542 driver (Zapp) half or full current?
  36. ZAPP SY60 wiring help
  37. running stepper motor with printer data pcb board
  38. Running unipolar stepper motor with TIP120
  39. Z axis motor 'lifting'..
  40. pushing power of Steppers?
  41. Small Drive
  42. servo as a spindle
  43. 3.0Nm stepper from Zapp stopped working / faulty
  44. How much A, and how much V
  45. Bridgeport boss stepper motors
  46. Starmill
  47. Stepper Motor Wire Colour Codes
  48. Clicking sound from stepper motor & stalling
  49. Has anyone used these steppers or drivers?
  50. Stepper motor advice for absolute novice
  51. GECKO GUYS ! G540 / G250 Users what steppers do you recommend from UK suppliers
  52. GECKO GUYS ! G540 / G250 Users what steppers do you recommend from UK suppliers
  53. UHU Servo Controller
  54. Help! Steppers losing steps and making a racket under slow feed..
  55. Spindle Motor
  56. Help wiring M60STH88-3008DF Steppers Motors to 752 Drivers
  57. Hi , every one , please i Need Help
  58. DPC spikes stalling stepper motors
  59. Upgraded leadscrew now stepper stalls on Z axis. What are my options?
  60. slaved stepper problems
  61. The worth of microstepping?
  62. What power stepper motors do I need?
  63. 208OZ.IN stepper motor
  64. stepper motor selection for my diy cnc machine
  65. Stepper shaft couplings - can you ID these?
  66. Peak or RMS
  67. Closed Loop Stepper Compared with Open Loop Stepper
  68. Integrated stepper motors
  69. Problem with Yaskawa servodrives
  70. Has anyone rewired a stepper
  71. Conect lathe stepper motor ID
  72. Optimum voltage for M60STH88-3008DF steppers and 752 drivers?
  73. Difference between these two motors?
  74. Calculating rotor inertia and detent torque?
  75. Confirming PSU spec for steppers.
  76. Testing Leadshine closed loop stepper system.
  77. NEMA Standards
  78. sanity check - constant running, loads and more
  79. Stepper motor coil resistance. What is an acceptable value?
  80. Stepper motor tunning wiring
  81. Steppers, Series, Parallel
  82. 11 hours of trying to get the motors to turn, help please
  83. Recomendations for stepper motors to suit Super X3
  84. stepper motor back mount
  85. Stepper motors - problem
  86. Random G-code for testing motor tuning.
  87. Nema 34 motors
  88. Servo motor sizing?
  89. 400W servo - Leadshine ACS806 + ACM604V60 driver - PSU size?
  90. Sanyo Denki stepper motors
  91. Pulse rate or dip switch settings
  92. Nema 17 Stepper motors for desktop cnc
  93. nema 23's wire colours for bi-polar parallel, can you check this is correct please
  94. Stepper hissing
  95. AC servo motor help !
  96. How can I find fast stepper motor / controller combo?
  97. GX16 to M542
  98. 3 wire stepper motor drivers?
  99. Should stepper motors be covered?
  100. Big single phase servos and drivers
  101. Driver & Driven
  102. Motor identification help
  103. Which Connection ?
  104. Feedback
  105. bumping holding current - how it affects torque?
  106. controlling a stepper with a simple trigger switch
  107. help with servo motors Please.
  108. misaligned keyway - stepper shaft vs pulley
  109. stepper acceleration rate - limits?
  110. No longer lurking, stepper motor question.
  111. What size servo motor do I need.
  112. Steppers for Converting Sieg X2 to CNC?
  113. switching from steppers to servos - STEP / DIR control
  114. Stepper wiring/colour coding
  115. Overheating stepper motors
  116. Basics on control and positioning with stepper motors
  117. How do I wire a stepper driver to a stepper motor?
  118. Wiring a motor - as a newbie!
  119. Stepper motor selection, lower inductance vs holding torque
  120. How to NOT destroy the tb6600 drives
  121. Motor identification
  122. Setting ADTECH servos with Eding CNC software steps/AppUnit
  123. can these be used?
  124. Knocking noise from stepper motor
  125. servo motors questions
  126. motion board advice
  127. Stepper problem
  128. Problem with my Z axis
  129. Stepper rotor/shaft re-mounting?
  130. All-In-One Brushless Servo System
  131. Stepper motors keep starting and stopping
  132. Replacement motor choice for SEM servos on a Harrison M300 lathe
  133. Hybird Servo / Leadshine
  134. Electronic sound on steppers on slow move
  135. How much weight can 3.1NM motor lift? (as in Z axis)
  136. Some body know abaut Delta asda a2 servo and drive
  137. Steper motor rumbling
  138. Boxford 4th axis
  139. Cheap small steppers and drivers
  140. Replacement Stepfour stepper motor
  141. 70V too much for my motors?
  142. Stepper and Drive sizing for Lathe Conversion
  143. JMC closed loop steppers - anyone have any experience?
  144. Powering 3 45Ncm Nema 17 Stepper Motor 2A 4-wire (not CNC)
  145. Tuning software
  146. CS-LAB AC-servos + SIMdrive
  147. Nema 23 smooth shaft mountings?
  148. Servo Overheat
  149. Please help me with step motor choice.
  150. Advice on buying servos.
  151. Anyone got a 200W Omron or Yaskawa servo I can borrow to test drivers?
  152. servo cables?
  153. Help connecting servos to breakout board Mach3
  154. hybrid steppers
  155. Harrison 280 steppers??
  156. Low current stepper drivers with screw terminals?
  157. Recommendations for stepper motor debug / repair
  158. anyone had any experience of these cl motors
  159. Leadshine 573S15 replacement
  160. Fanuc red cap pulse coder identification?
  161. Advice on these steppers -Nema 24 Stepper Motor 24HS34-3008D
  162. Am882 drives
  163. How do Stepper Motor Drivers Overcome the Speed Restrictions Due to a Charging Coil?
  164. Closed loop steppers vs servo ?
  165. AC servo motor testing in Northern Ireland
  166. Diagnosing bad motor/driver. Vibration at low speed
  167. Just an idea, I may be bonkers......
  168. Lichuan "Easy Servo" closed loop stepper question
  169. Wiring an Omron R88M U10030VA - S1 to a Yaskawa TRD-Y2048 encoder
  170. +/-10V or closed loop step/dir?
  171. How to tune a dual drive AC servo system
  172. JMC steppers
  173. cnc steppers driver A4988 problem
  174. Servo as a spindle motor replacement - what to look out for?
  175. High resolution closed-loop steppers
  176. 3 phase vs 2 phase nema 34
  177. MSD043A1XXV Panasonic AC Servo Driver 400w - MB3 connection help
  178. Sanyo Denki 103H7124-0440 source or replacement
  179. AC servo motor bearing, repair myself or not?
  180. A Axis setup
  181. Stepper motor power supply
  182. Help with wiring on a stepper please (Very No0b question dont laugh)
  183. Motors - To Brake or Not to Brake?
  184. servo and spindle advice please
  185. Chinese Servo tuning
  186. Servo Motor Rated Speeds, Max Speed & Gearing
  187. Camera Platform Control
  188. Clearpath or DMM
  189. Choosing a PSU fos steppers
  190. z axis not working
  191. Delta ASD-A2 Encoder output problem.
  192. Motor problems/
  193. Panasonic MSD AC Servo - anyone ever fitted/setup one - manual driving me insane.HELP
  194. Replacing old Mitsubishi analog AC servos with new step/dir ones.
  195. Help with MACH4, MB3 and ESS Installing Steppers
  196. What current to use for MAE HY200 3424 0310 Stepper Motor?
  197. Stepper motor current calculating
  198. Replacing the stepper motor (Austausch des Schrittmotors)
  199. Low torque steppers Nema 14
  200. Stepper motor replacement ?
  201. Servo Motors and Drives have arrived
  202. Axbb-e to Lichuan A5 Series Servo Drives
  203. Servo to AXBB-E Limit Switch wiring...