View Full Version : Community Project: Fender Telecaster
26-09-2016, 01:03 PM
Hi all,
Hopefully you have all seen the results of using my CNC machine to make a Fender Jaguar replica and I'm very happy with how it came out. If you followed that thread you have also seen me mention on occasions that the next project will be a Fender Telecaster and that a couple of the guys here are interested in collaborating with me on it.
I'm not too familiar with how Fusion works when sharing projects, but we'll have a go (how hard can it be? ;) ) and make it up as we go along.
Anyway to get the ball rolling I have taken some pdf plans (PM me if you want the source files) and converted these to dxf in Vectric Cut2D. I have then imported the neck and body (after a fair bit of clean up) into Fusion 360 and now have a project going in there. Here's a screenshot (I hope):
I have started with the neck as this is where most of the work is and the conversion has worked OK for dimensions (I've checked the fret spacing against a calculator) however there is much more to do and the tasks are roughly as follows:
Convert as many of the curves, which are made up of 100's of short lines into splines or other Fusion 360 geometry. I have already done the circles and the upper neck with fillets and splines for the headstock. The way you can tell is if you hover over a line and the whole curve highlights then it is done. If it is just a small line amongst hundreds of others then it still needs doing.
Sort out the truss rod on the side view (top view if you were playing the guitar), so that a standard double action truss rod will fit (we'll be going for a heel adjuster with a walnut plug at the headstock).
Probably combine or layer the fret slot marks onto the top most plan view so we can extrude and model from that one rather than trying to align extrusions from both.
Extrude the plan view into a solid body and start the process of "carving" the neck profile, fret board etc (going for a solid maple neck as its a lot easier than a cap rosewood but if someone wants to do that in a branched model then by all means go ahead).
OK in order to get access I will need a PM with a valid email address, so I can grant you access and we'll try the collaboration side of Fusion 360 out and possibly get some video footage for my channel as things progress.
I have no idea how version control works so we'll find out - it'll be fun :)
26-09-2016, 01:37 PM
I'm in Chris, PM sent......looking forward to this!!!
26-09-2016, 02:10 PM
Thanks Neil - I've granted you access to the model, but I've no idea what that will look like on your end. It shoudl let you start working in it directly or at least on a version that you can upload back to the master.
Let me know as I can't see what it looks like from your perspective.
26-09-2016, 02:15 PM
Cheers Chris, I'll hopefully have a very quick look tonight and see what happens!
26-09-2016, 02:20 PM
Thanks Neil,
BTW - until I work out how version control works I'm taking regular copies of the models into another Project folder as a backup, so don't worry about messing anything up when editing.
26-09-2016, 02:27 PM
Thanks Neil,
BTW - until I work out how version control works I'm taking regular copies of the models into another Project folder as a backup, so don't worry about messing anything up when editing.
That's good then :biggrin:
Looking forward to seeing this take shape guys..!
Lee Roberts
27-09-2016, 12:45 PM
I'm in :)
27-09-2016, 01:17 PM
I'm in :)
Check PM Lee.
27-09-2016, 01:17 PM
Looking forward to seeing this take shape guys..!
You're more than welcome to join in if you want Wal.
Cheers Chris,
Not sure I could bring all that much to the party body and neck wise, but maybe inlays, or a badge of some sort? Perhaps the pick-ups? I mention those as I'm currently making a set of 10 prototype Rosewood P90's for a local builder, pics and vid of an earlier effort below. I could always ask if he'd wind you a custom built set if you wanted to go off the beaten track - might be a bit cheeky but he's going to be dabbling in CNC himself at some point next year - I've already had the thought that you might make a good contact for him regarding learning about the machine and a solid introduction to CNC guitar making...
27-09-2016, 02:59 PM
Hi Wal,
That might be an idea - I was going to go with some kind of vintage Fender reissue pickup in the bridge (the original guitar I'm copying is a '62) and a '57 PAF re-issue in the neck, but if I can get closer to "vintage" by going custom that might be worthwhile.
No problems on me helping your mate out with guitar CNC'ing - I try to respond to any questions on my YouTube channel the day they're posted and get some PM's etc as well - happy to help people get inspired to build/buy/learn CNC.
08-11-2016, 06:24 PM
First of the videos for this project - intro and CAd for the neck in Fusion 360:
I have also done most of the CAM apart from working out final workholding and indexing for the doublesided nature. For those with access to the model - have a look and see what you think.
08-11-2016, 06:57 PM
Bugger.....been meaning to start up Fusion but life (grandson most recently) keeps getting in the way....myst try harder (sounds like my school reports!!!) sorry Chris........
Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
09-11-2016, 01:11 AM
No worries Neil,
I'll be starting on the body soon, but there will be two versions - one with the standard single coils and then the Andy Summers variant, with the extra routing plus humbucker.
Looking good Chris..! Very neat bit of modelling there.
14-11-2016, 01:18 AM
Thanks Wal
I should have the CAM video up soon, but have a cockpit project vid before that and I got an Oculus Rift a couple of weeks ago and that has been keeping me "immersed".
22-11-2016, 11:50 AM
Video showing the CAM process fro the neck is up:
@Neil and Lee - I haven't tested the toolpaths yet, so beware.
27-12-2016, 01:39 PM
Merry Christmas all,
I got some time on the machine and for video editing. Here is the test machining and I'm glad I did this as there were a couple of issues (for the next video) that needed solving before machining in real wood:
24-01-2017, 02:57 PM
Next part of the build - fixing a CAD problem in Fusion 360 and then cutting it out in maple:
28-01-2017, 11:09 PM
Chris, rather belatedly looking at this now, sorry (got to learn 360 first though, hoping that as I use Geomagic it won't be too steep a learning curve!!) have managed to log into the project but a little daunted!!
28-01-2017, 11:54 PM
Hi Neil
No worries. I have taken backups of everything in the Telecaster Project folder, so you can tinker with impunity.
If you want to just try creating toolpaths by all means use the neck model for that or to practice modeling the raw sketch is waiting in the Tele Body.
I've also created a neck profile sanding block and a copy of the dot inlays model from the Jaguar project (been working on the neck today getting it ready for a scary bit of drilling).
29-01-2017, 12:05 AM
Looks like I've got to tinker with my laptop as it won't open the model in Fusion, it's telling me it can't find the QT platform for windows.....or something!
07-02-2017, 10:18 AM
Hopefully you have your Fusion 360 install sorted Neil.
Here's some more progress on the neck:
I've also put the dot inlay and profile board CAD and CAM in the project folder - hopefully you can see them.
07-02-2017, 11:19 AM
Hopefully you have your Fusion 360 install sorted Neil.
Not yet, uninstalled it ready to reinstall and now Windows has gone and done done a bl**dy update and now my WiFi doesn't**dy Microsoft :thumbdown:
16-02-2017, 10:22 AM
Next part of the Telecaster build is up and this time dealing with some walnut inserts on the neck:
02-03-2017, 05:36 PM
Posted the next part of the Telecaster project - this time its a tutorial/walk through of Fusion 360 CAD for the body:
29-03-2017, 09:34 PM
Hoping to join in on the fun here. Recently got my homebuilt CNC up and running and am looking for a good project to run it through the paces!
29-03-2017, 10:35 PM
Id like to jump into this build. Can I get a copy or access to the Fusion files?
31-03-2017, 10:22 AM
Id like to jump into this build. Can I get a copy or access to the Fusion files?
Hi Eric
Shoot me a PM with the email address you used to register to Fusion 360 and I'll give you access to the project - be very aware though that the CAM that's there is "tuned" to my machine so its best to take a copy of the CAD and do your own with feeds and speeds for your machine.
31-03-2017, 10:27 AM
Here's the next part where I walk through the CAM for a machine that can cut the whole body in one set of operations and also for a smaller machine where indexing is required (like mine).
01-04-2017, 03:20 AM
Hi Eric
Shoot me a PM with the email address you used to register to Fusion 360 and I'll give you access to the project - be very aware though that the CAM that's there is "tuned" to my machine so its best to take a copy of the CAD and do your own with feeds and speeds for your machine.
Not sure if I already sent this to you... lll run my own cam, thanks a ton for the cad! Great videos! Please keep it up.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
01-04-2017, 02:11 PM
Hi Eric
Good man - I seem to be getting a lot of requests for the CAM, from the uninformed that think they can load my GCode and press start on an X-Carve. That will only get them a floor full of broken machine parts if they try milling at 15mm depth on an 8mm cutter :tongue:
Best to delete the email addresses off of your post there - bots will be picking those up and phishing will commence (Lee might be able to do this if he picks up on it first).
03-04-2017, 04:50 PM
Hi Chris,
I haven't been able to find any files on A360 under either account? Is it shared through the fusion? Also, thanks for the HU regarding the email addresses!
07-04-2017, 04:06 PM
Hi Chris,
I haven't been able to find any files on A360 under either account? Is it shared through the fusion? Also, thanks for the HU regarding the email addresses!
Hi Eric
That should be fixed now - not sure why but it was failing to send the invite to you silently i.e. no warning. Anyway should be there now, so let me know if it hasn't worked again.
10-04-2017, 04:56 AM
Hi Eric
Shoot me a PM with the email address you used to register to Fusion 360 and I'll give you access to the project - be very aware though that the CAM that's there is "tuned" to my machine so its best to take a copy of the CAD and do your own with feeds and speeds for your machine.
Got it Chris... looks great!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
22-04-2017, 11:05 AM
Morning all
Here's the latest video showing the machine and CAM in action. It shows how I get a body that is too wide for my cutting area out of the machine:
The links to the CAD models in Fusion 360 are in the video description for anyone that wants them, but no toolpaths. If anyone wants access directly to the project in Fusion 360 drop me a PM with your Fusion360 email address and I'll add you to it.
04-05-2017, 04:14 PM
Hi all,
Next part of the Telecaster build - no CNC this time round, but installing the body binding with some "old skool" routing:
04-05-2017, 05:05 PM
Nice work, I notice that you didn't heat the binding prior to bent it at the area of lower horn, this mean the binding is soft enough for this job, right? What kind of plastic is made of? ABS? also I have seen people bond the binding with the body with acetone, they say it is a more clean work. I haven't try that... only just CA glue.
04-05-2017, 05:18 PM
Nice work, I notice that you didn't heat the binding prior to bent it at the area of lower horn, this mean the binding is soft enough for this job, right? What kind of plastic is made of? ABS? also I have seen people bond the binding with the body with acetone, they say it is a more clean work. I haven't try that... only just CA glue.
Yes it was fine for the lower horns, it was only on the right angle bend under the neck pocket that really needed heating.
I think its ABS, but it was off of ebay so you can never be 100% sure...
I have some decent glues and of course acetone, but I find the bonds can be a little weak and CA is just a lot quicker in general but does have that "one shot" risk.
Clive S
04-05-2017, 05:52 PM
Chris Where did you get the 4 orange pads on. Very nice as always.
04-05-2017, 06:00 PM
Chris Where did you get the 4 orange pads on. Very nice as always.
Hi Clive
Got mine from here, but there are plenty of retailers these days:
06-05-2017, 01:25 PM
Hi Clive
Try this G
Clive S
06-05-2017, 04:32 PM
Hi Clive
Try this G
Thanks But the Amazon one's appear to be about £2.50 lower in price for the same product.
29-06-2017, 12:27 AM
Hi all,
Been a bit of a break since the last video on the Telecaster project due to the day job and spraying taking so long. Anyway here's a quick video on making a side dot marker jig/measure on the CNC router:
29-06-2017, 02:05 PM
Very nice jig Andy, this will eliminate the mishalighned side dots, cool!
29-06-2017, 02:26 PM
Very nice jig Andy, this will eliminate the mishalighned side dots, cool!
Its Chris, but thanks - I'll add the CAD to the Tele model download at some point as its a useful bit of kit for any 25.5" scale length neck.
29-06-2017, 04:17 PM
OK Andy that you are actually Chris... Lol, you are welcome!
29-06-2017, 06:08 PM
Nice work Chris. Once you have convinced yourself to put time into a jig to make a better job of it, it is always satisfying to put it use.
For a long time now I've not used a centre drill prior to a 3mm twist drill and found it holds an accurate position on the hole. For large bits I will centre drill though.
Did you need all that coolant for that job? I'll happily peck drill multiple 3mm holes with just an occasional dab on the drill bit from a brush.
Otherwise nice work, progressing well.
30-06-2017, 05:23 PM
Nice work Chris. Once you have convinced yourself to put time into a jig to make a better job of it, it is always satisfying to put it use.
For a long time now I've not used a centre drill prior to a 3mm twist drill and found it holds an accurate position on the hole. For large bits I will centre drill though.
Did you need all that coolant for that job? I'll happily peck drill multiple 3mm holes with just an occasional dab on the drill bit from a brush.
Otherwise nice work, progressing well.
Yeah the coolant was a bit over the top - one of the things on my to do list is sort out a decent tap system for that.
30-06-2017, 05:44 PM
Better late than never :shame: but guitars are something I'm very interested in so I will start to follow this thread once I've caught up on the reading.
P.S Where are the project files ? will they open in Rhino ?
Edit: I think I'm correct in saying that the project files are accessed through Fusion360, in which case I won't be getting to them.
Clive S
30-06-2017, 06:13 PM
Better late than never :shame: but guitars are something I'm very interested in so I will start to follow this thread once I've caught up on the reading.
Welcome back Eddy long time no see:thumsup:
30-06-2017, 10:12 PM
When you sanded the fretboard black dots it looks like there was no contamination of the maple grain. I once used ebony dots and upon sanding, it went right into the lighter wood's grain.
I liked the idea of using a lathe to drill the truss rod hole in the heel, I guess the neck was horizontal because you were using a 2 way truss rod rather than a bowed threaded rod.
Here's a pickup ring I made recently for a humbucker, toolpaths made in CamBam
30-06-2017, 10:19 PM
Better late than never :shame: but guitars are something I'm very interested in so I will start to follow this thread once I've caught up on the reading.
P.S Where are the project files ? will they open in Rhino ?
Edit: I think I'm correct in saying that the project files are accessed through Fusion360, in which case I won't be getting to them.
Hi Eddy - yes they are in Fusion 360 - the f3d files are also linked in my drop box on the CAM/cut out video,
Any particular reason for not using Fusion?
30-06-2017, 10:26 PM
When you sanded the fretboard black dots it looks like there was no contamination of the maple grain. I once used ebony dots and upon sanding, it went right into the lighter wood's grain.
I liked the idea of using a lathe to drill the truss rod hole in the heel, I guess the neck was horizontal because you were using a 2 way truss rod rather than a bowed threaded rod.
Here's a pickup ring I made recently for a humbucker, toolpaths made in CamBam
Yes it was a double action rod and horizontal - hence all the "hiding" I had to do to make it look like the original single action bow type with cross head adjuster.
The maple grain was fine after sanding, normally I would clean the fret board before spraying, but this particular guitar is supposed to look like a 62 vintage, so I'm currently testing ways on offcuts of "dirtying" the wood up that also allows nitro lacquer to still adhere (which will then sadly be "worn" back again somewhat to replicate wear).
Nice pickup ring BTW.
01-07-2017, 08:38 AM
Any particular reason for not using Fusion?
Yes, I use Rhino3D and CamBam
05-09-2017, 04:30 PM
Been on a bit of a break from the guitar project, but lacquer has finally started to be laid down (not without some trouble of my own making):
05-09-2017, 06:35 PM
Nice burst!
05-09-2017, 08:32 PM
Nice burst!
Thanks - it still needs some amber/clear over, which will "age" the look slightly before polishing, but I'm happy with how it came out compared to the original - better start practicing my add9th's again :-)
06-09-2017, 07:11 AM
Practice is good! Lol.
06-09-2017, 11:36 AM
Practice is good! Lol.
19-10-2017, 03:37 PM
Quick CNC job whilst dealing with the lacquer side of things:
19-10-2017, 04:58 PM
21-10-2017, 10:26 PM
Can you provide some details on the spray equipment please ?
what gun ?
what nozzle size ?
what pressure ?
Do you think a HVLP type would be better ?
Nice final job on the burst too !
21-10-2017, 11:44 PM
Can you provide some details on the spray equipment please ?
what gun ?
what nozzle size ?
what pressure ?
Do you think a HVLP type would be better ?
Nice final job on the burst too !
Hi Eddy
Sure thing and thanks.
The sprayguns (I have 3 - two for colours and one for clear) are these mini guns: - they are a pretty generic far eastern cheap gun and I've seen them with several different "brands" from different sellers. Whilst no Devilbiss, they are surprisingly good once you have them dialled in correctly (and kept clean of course). I use a 0.8mm nozzle but I think there is a 1mm variant out there also, if you need more volume.
They are an HVLP gun and I use somewhere around 30 PSI (sometimes as low as 25).
There's a Youtuber called The Gunman (Aussie guy) who has a decent channel and he recommends the ANI miniguns, but I have yet to pull the trigger (pun intended) to get one myself and see how it compares to the generic one I have. Might be a higher quality alternative for not too much more money.
I also have a standard sized HVLP gun from the same manufacturer and whilst it is also useable, its way overkill for guitars as the volume of paint and size of fan it lays down is insane.
Hope that helps.
22-10-2017, 10:45 AM
Burst can be a PITA although it looks easy and not all techniques work the same for all people. You have to experiment with most of them to found which one works best for you.
Here is one Gibson USA I paint for a friend, from apple red to burst like Moore's guitar.
Sorry for the hijacking .
22-10-2017, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the spraying info, very useful.
I've just seen are only selling the General Finishes now in the UK, the Behlen instrument finishes were rather good.
Nice job on the Les Paul Nickhofen, that looks far better now.
22-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Thanks EddyCurrent ,that red didn't make any justice of the maple top that was hidden under the color.
23-10-2017, 12:25 AM
Thanks EddyCurrent ,that red didn't make any justice of the maple top that was hidden under the color.
That's a really nice burst - lovely gradient on it and you're right, that flame was wasted on the original finish.
20-05-2018, 11:48 AM
Just about to head down to the spray booth whilst the weather is hot and here's a bit of progress:
12-11-2019, 01:10 PM
Been a while since I worked on this project, but its now getting close to completion. Here's a few videos to bring the project up to date:
Fixing an issue with the scratchplate:
Doing a number of small jobs that needed doing before wiring the guitar up:
and finally the electronics, which are unique for telecasters to say the least:
30-04-2020, 12:03 PM
Hi all,
This project took way too long, but got there in the end. Some pretty sloppy playing at the end of the video also, purely to get around copyright issues you understand ;)
30-04-2020, 02:26 PM
That's brilliant! You must be walking on the moon.
30-04-2020, 03:25 PM
Guitar sounds really good!
Nice build!
30-04-2020, 03:34 PM
Thanks guys,
It plays a lot better than I was expecting and even better than the Fender US Standard I have, but that could be that the Fender instrument could do with a setup.
The on board pre-amp is something I'm tempted to get the Laney 100W valve amp out of retirement for and have a mess about.
That's a beaut.
Have you dinged the headstock already..? Good good - get that bit out of the way..!
01-05-2020, 04:40 AM
So after watching your video I ended up spending the evening watching Andy Summers documentaries and assorted guitar lessons on YouTube! I need to practice that big add9 stretch.
02-05-2020, 12:57 PM
Yeah the add9 arpeggios were integral to the Police sound and on three main tracks Message In A Bottle, De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da and Every Breath You Take. The last one being the more difficult of the three IMO as to play it in the recorded key means doing a five fret stretch off of the F. You can see even Andy grimacing a few times playing it on the Atlanta live video in '83 towards the end of the track. They're also a bit like high speed legato, once the tension creeps into your hand its almost impossible to get rid of without stopping...
Mike PJD
10-08-2021, 09:46 AM
Hello guys, I hope you don’t mind me posting on here. iv been looking through this thread and have found some really interesting info and cool projects you have been working on. I run a guitar manufacturing company in York and we are looking for a CNC enthusiast to come and help build guitars in our team. It’s a full time position in York. I don’t suppose you know anyone that would be interested in building guitars for a living? We are interviewing over the next two weeks. Anyone interested could email me directly
[email protected]
Sorry if this is against the forum rules I just thought it would be a perfect place to find someone who loves cnc work and guitars!
Thanks guys!!
11-08-2021, 12:36 AM
Hello guys, I hope you don’t mind me posting on here. iv been looking through this thread and have found some really interesting info and cool projects you have been working on. I run a guitar manufacturing company in York and we are looking for a CNC enthusiast to come and help build guitars in our team. It’s a full time position in York. I don’t suppose you know anyone that would be interested in building guitars for a living? We are interviewing over the next two weeks. Anyone interested could email me directly
[email protected]
Sorry if this is against the forum rules I just thought it would be a perfect place to find someone who loves cnc work and guitars!
Thanks guys!!
I don't see a problem with you asking here. That would be my dream job!!! I'd come out of retirement for that one if you were in Tasmania. I hope you find the right person.
By the way, you forgot to plug the company website....
Yep, that sounds like a cool job for the right candidate. Nice guitars too!
Really must get around to building my own guitar one day... It's what got me into CNC to begin with..!
12-08-2021, 12:30 AM
Yep, that sounds like a cool job for the right candidate. Nice guitars too!
Really must get around to building my own guitar one day... It's what got me into CNC to begin with..!
There must be plenty of young candidates out there for a job like this. Perfect for a bedroom shredder lass or lad with a technical bent.
At least this post has spurred me into changing my avatar to include the 4-string 'Tiny Tele' guitar I made on a previous, wood-framed machine. One day I will feel competent enough to start work on something more advanced. I already know what model I'm going to base it on, that's a start!
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