View Full Version : How the Hell do we compete with This.!!!

20-11-2016, 09:49 PM
Just killing time on youtube and this came up.!! . .WTF . . . How do we compete with places like this.!


John S
21-11-2016, 12:56 AM
Simple, don't eat grilled food, drink coffee and iron your clothes

21-11-2016, 12:53 PM
WTF . . . How do we compete with places like this.!

Since the end of WW2, Britain's Engineering Industry has steadily declined. Due to the diversion of production into the war effort, most of the machines were worn out and there was little money to replace them, also a shareholder system meant that money was going into dividends and not being put back into the renewal of industry. Furthermore, in the late '50's through to the '70's, the Unions were in control of the labour force and wages rose. If they didn't, strikes and other work stoppages affected production and costs adversely. So prices went too high on the global market and our industry declined even more.

I worked for Jaguar Cars and Wickman Machine Tools in the 60's, so I saw the shenanigans of the work force and unions.

Then along came Maggie and broke the unions, ended open ballots and brought a form of democracy to the unions. By then industrially we were f***ed. (I have mixed feelings about Mrs T!)

China on the other hand was a communist system. No strikes and no shareholders to bleed the cash. We see how life was controlled, regulated and restricted. Wages and standards of living were kept low by oppression, so China had cheap goods to export to flood the world and swamp other countries industry.

Would you want to be a Chinese worker ?.....................................

I thought not.

We can't compete, we have to use our resources and skills to invent and develop new technology and hope we can get enough out of it before the Chinese start copying it.

This country is declining and Brexit certainly won't help. I am too old to be concerned for my future, but I am saddened to think what my grandchildren will encounter.


21-11-2016, 01:43 PM
Simple, don't eat grilled food, drink coffee and iron your clothes

Last time used Iron was to Wax my Snow board and it will coming out again soon I hope. . :yahoo:

21-11-2016, 02:28 PM
Out of the top 10 video games last year , 9 where produced by UK based company's.
We are basically the brains of the world, in my opinion anyway, and R&D workshop.

21-11-2016, 02:40 PM
How do we compete with places like this.!

Elect Trump to lead your country. He's bringing all of those jobs back to the US. :hysterical:

21-11-2016, 04:51 PM
Elect Trump to lead your country. He's bringing all of those jobs back to the US. :hysterical:

Ah, yes, the man who is going to make America grate! Not quite sure if that means turn it into a fireplace, get on everybody's nerves, or just make a lot of squeaking sounds in the background that everyone learns to ignore. Or did I misread the slogan?

(Sorry, Gerry, to throw stones when it's you who is going to have to live with him)

21-11-2016, 04:59 PM
Elect Trump to lead your country. He's bringing all of those jobs back to the US. :hysterical:

I'm skeptical I wont deny it but, at least give him a chance, who knows ?? I mean stranger things have happened :)

21-11-2016, 05:01 PM
Couple of month ago i was @ a mate's and noticed a Wacker plate in the corner of his garage, he said it didn't work but if i fixed it i had unconditional use, had a play and ended up shearing the mixture screw so went surfing. silly money from UK suppliers but got a brand new carb off Bangood £3.99 and that included the postage from China, it seems doubtfull that they could be making any profit on that WTF

21-11-2016, 06:06 PM
Makes you wonder if they are just conditioning us like chickens to be totally dependant on them to the point we have no industry left then just pull the Chicken feed one day so become Kentucky Fired.!!! . . . . . They better be quick before Trump and Putin beat them to it. . :hysterical:

21-11-2016, 06:11 PM
Then along came Maggie and broke the unions, ended open ballots and brought a form of democracy to the unions. By then industrially we were f***ed. (I have mixed feelings about Mrs T!)

I'm from the part of Yorkshire that was devastated By SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED so don't even Mention Her Name. Not Even in jest or I'll come inject noise into your BOB and let the Magic smoke out of ya drives. .:sorrow:

21-11-2016, 06:26 PM
Hi Jazz. Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but I have been sooooo busy over the last year and have deserted the forum. I have tried to start a new thread about my return, but have spent about a fortnight trying to find how to do sop. Anyway I am glad to see that you and hob nobs amongst others are still around. G.

21-11-2016, 06:59 PM
Considering that the only way China is competing is by changing the value of their currency regularly to keep their products below the cost of their competitors on the international level, easy stop buying Chinese where able and elect government that will label them what they are. Only problem with that is you have a generation of idiots that want their toys yesterday from tomorrow. just look at the idiots rioting in the US who DID NOT VOTE. Yet they want to complain.

The UK has taken the first big step by getting out of one of the biggest blood suckers in the world (the EU bureaucrats in Brussels). So what happens now is going to be interesting as what the game plan was from Davos rules no longer is completely in play. Prepare for a bit of a rough ride for the next three years but it is going to be interesting and how it comes out could be a whole lot better. How to compete, get rid of the huge amount of stupid H&S and taxes that makes industry at any level difficult to do. That would be a good second step.

21-11-2016, 07:40 PM
i dont beleve china can keep expanding they way it has,there workers are expecting higher wages and better conditions year on year hence industry moving to poorer regions of the country...i didnt beleve the uk people had the guts to pull out of euorpe and change,with the goverment against what we voted for i cant see it being a smooth ride.....as for mr trump i hope he changes the states for the better and the model is adopted over here.....we personaly live very hand to mouth atm BUT im happy to pay a little extra for a uk product

Lee Roberts
22-11-2016, 09:39 PM
Crazy init,

Clive's cheese n ham toasty's are driving a £3.15mil product line...Clive what have you been eating ????

22-11-2016, 11:01 PM
Bring back colonialism and make Mars part of the British Empire !!