View Full Version : eBay: Castrol Cooledge Cutting Coolant Suds

Lee Roberts
09-08-2009, 07:51 PM
Dont know if anyone is in need of some cutting oil,

i grabed one of these the other day: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Castrol-Cooledge-Water-soluble-cutting-oil-coolant-SUDS-/300687792185

They also do a 500ML size bottle (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Castrol-Cooledge-Water-soluble-cutting-oil-coolant-SUDS-/290690051406) if you need more.

Now for my question, on the listing it says:

Recommended Concentration -
.Milling, drilling and turning 3 - 5%
.Sawing 3 - 5%
.Reaming, tapping and Screwing 8%
.Grinding 2 - 5%

3 ? Whats is this you talk about? 5, 8% - percent of what ?

What i was thinking of doing was mixing some up and putting it into a hand spray gun, you know the type you get for misting your house plants with water. The cnc router machine im builing at the momment is going to be for wood work mostly but i figerd having some cutting oil to hand when i do machine some ali up would be better then none, i dont want to mix the lot up though and have it sat there going off ?

So if i said i wanted to mix up 1L at a time, what would be the right amount of cutting oil to water i should mix?

09-08-2009, 08:03 PM
Dont know if anyone is in need of some cutting oil, i grabed one of these the other day: :link: (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290336154169&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT)

They also do a 500ML size bottle if you need more.

Now for my question, on the listing it says:

3 ? Whats is this you talk about? 5, 8% - percent of what ?

What i was thinking of doing was mixing some up and putting it into a hand spray gun, you know the type you get for misting your house plants with water. The cnc router machine im builing at the momment is going to be for wood work mostly but i figerd having some cutting oil to hand when i do machine some ali up would be better then none, i dont want to mix the lot up though and have it sat there going off ?

So if i said i wanted to mix up 1L at a time, what would be the right amount of cutting oil to water i should mix?
General purposes looks like 4 or 5% concentration, about or about 40-50mL per litre... The way i do this is a 1L drinks bottle and digital scales. Bottle on scales, zero, pour in 50g of coolant, then top up to 1kg total weight...

Yes, for the pedants :whistling:, I know 50ml of 'oily stuff' is lighter than 50g but its water soluble so isn't far off...

John S
09-08-2009, 08:04 PM
50mL then top up to 1 litre with water.

Good stuff for a general purpose coolant.

There is a firm at Leicester who sell a non branded coolant on Ebay, not ARC, it's a company specialising in bulk liquids like shampoo etc. I bought some off them and it's like cat piss, smells of disinfectant, looks like disinfectant but they insist it's coolant.
Made everything go rusty in 2 days, took it back and got a refund.


John S
09-08-2009, 09:42 PM
What brand and pricing are you getting Kip ?

The best I have found is if you buy more than two drums [ 20 ltrs ] J&L will sell it to you for £39.00 a drum and deliver next day.

That crap from Leicester cost me £42 a drum [ 25ltrs ] but I had to fetch it [ and take the bugger back ] so that's 2 hours wasted each way.

£4 deliver from J&L or anyone doing these rates for that matter is no contest as I can't get out our industrial estate for £4 in time and diesel.