08-07-2017, 12:57 PM
is it dependant on cfm from compressor
at what psi / bar do you run a plasma
can you hold the material to be cut on a bed of nails type affair using nuts and bolt
could you then magnetize the bolts
m4 bolts @ 3'' sticking up through a threaded plate at 2'' spacing, 'just' laying in the trough
do you 'have' to use a machine torch
is mach 4 now good for the novice
are more people going servo - even at 200 to 400 watts
are there simple i.e. beginner set up video's for mach 4 compliant controllers
IF running ball screw gantries on a plasma, is there a beneficial screw pitch to get the speed up
I am going to buy
two 1000mm
one 900mm
and a 300mm
bosch rextroth gantries
I suppose I am going to link the two 1000mm gantries with a rubber belt
do I go for a 50mm round 24 tooth htd 8mm pitch pair of gears and belt
what about collision break away attatchments for the torch, is there an off the shelf option
so in short, a 1000mm by 900mm bed using off the shelf gantries
200 watt Panasonic minas a4 servo's and drives
have mach3 license and sheetcam
this is what I am after but its belt drive, I am going to use second hand ball screw versions
bit like that buy I want it so the water trough is sitting on the floor and I can have a top on the table
so I have to link the x drives with a belt - 'that maybe the determining factor'?
any one use the stuff?
at what psi / bar do you run a plasma
can you hold the material to be cut on a bed of nails type affair using nuts and bolt
could you then magnetize the bolts
m4 bolts @ 3'' sticking up through a threaded plate at 2'' spacing, 'just' laying in the trough
do you 'have' to use a machine torch
is mach 4 now good for the novice
are more people going servo - even at 200 to 400 watts
are there simple i.e. beginner set up video's for mach 4 compliant controllers
IF running ball screw gantries on a plasma, is there a beneficial screw pitch to get the speed up
I am going to buy
two 1000mm
one 900mm
and a 300mm
bosch rextroth gantries
I suppose I am going to link the two 1000mm gantries with a rubber belt
do I go for a 50mm round 24 tooth htd 8mm pitch pair of gears and belt
what about collision break away attatchments for the torch, is there an off the shelf option
so in short, a 1000mm by 900mm bed using off the shelf gantries
200 watt Panasonic minas a4 servo's and drives
have mach3 license and sheetcam
this is what I am after but its belt drive, I am going to use second hand ball screw versions
bit like that buy I want it so the water trough is sitting on the floor and I can have a top on the table
so I have to link the x drives with a belt - 'that maybe the determining factor'?
any one use the stuff?