08-08-2017, 07:48 AM
Just getting to grips with my machine and it is finally obeying my instructions.
Please can someone advise me of the possible cause of torn fibres when engraving text. By torn fibres I mean that all round the text the wood is frayed and making it almost impossible to see what the text is. I was using a 90 degree pointed router bit from my normal router set. Router speed was around 16 - 20000.
Not sure if the bit, speed or both causing this problem, appreciate your thoughts
Just getting to grips with my machine and it is finally obeying my instructions.
Please can someone advise me of the possible cause of torn fibres when engraving text. By torn fibres I mean that all round the text the wood is frayed and making it almost impossible to see what the text is. I was using a 90 degree pointed router bit from my normal router set. Router speed was around 16 - 20000.
Not sure if the bit, speed or both causing this problem, appreciate your thoughts