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View Full Version : Machine momentarily halts on each cut pass?

18-11-2018, 12:18 PM
Hi there,

An interesting issue appeared yesterday on my new build gantry router cnc. Its been running fine for a few weeks however yesterday as I was running gcode the machine would momentarily halt on random passes and then resume with the what appeared no loss of steps? It was happening in every type of process, I noticed it being worse however when the machine was under heaver load going through solid hardwood. I’ve never seem this before and wondered where I should start to look for the cause. It was like the machine was waiting to catch up with itself or self diagnose, not good though. I’ve got mach 3 set to a kernel speed 35.000Hz. I ran the mach3 driver test and it said it was in excellent health, no spikes.

Any ideas about where to start first to diagnose?


18-11-2018, 02:05 PM
Open Windows Task Manager and monitor CPU usage while it's running.
See if the CPU usage spikes when the machine hesitates.

18-11-2018, 11:10 PM
Open Windows Task Manager and monitor CPU usage while it's running.
See if the CPU usage spikes when the machine hesitates.

Thanks Gerry,

Good advice. I ran a file which went on for an hour or so and watched the CPU usage and of course not a squeak wrong with it haha. Typical :apologetic:

i'll keep the CPU usage up though to monitor incase and indeed when it returns, becasue we know it will

19-11-2018, 01:00 AM
You hadn't inadvertently enabled exact stop (G61) mode?

And was the G-code code you have run before without problems?

19-11-2018, 10:01 AM
Same G-code which I'd run before without problems. Good thought about the G61, hmm well anythings possible. I'll have a look today.

21-11-2018, 11:29 AM
Open Windows Task Manager and monitor CPU usage while it's running.
See if the CPU usage spikes when the machine hesitates.

Not had a repeat of the halting Gerry but I have noticed that between running files if I jog away to change tools and re-zero that can generate an error where half way through a 10min roughing job will suddenly make one axis move about 50% outside the job perimeter and continue.
I think this happens specifically on a job where I have to re-zero it more than once on the same job to the same coordinated. Most strange! I've not had cpu usage up and running when this happened but can do incase it identifies anything.

22-11-2018, 07:33 AM
Not had a repeat of the halting Gerry but I have noticed that between running files if I jog away to change tools and re-zero that can generate an error where half way through a 10min roughing job will suddenly make one axis move about 50% outside the job perimeter and continue.
I think this happens specifically on a job where I have to re-zero it more than once on the same job to the same coordinated. Most strange! I've not had cpu usage up and running when this happened but can do incase it identifies anything.

Are you using an external motion controller? Mach3? Which version? I ask because there are some known problems with at least the CSMIO controllers and certain versions of Mach3 that can give some funny problems like this.

22-11-2018, 11:08 AM
Are you using an external motion controller? Mach3? Which version? I ask because there are some known problems with at least the CSMIO controllers and certain versions of Mach3 that can give some funny problems like this.

Indeed yes I do use an external motion controller. A wireless xbox controller (copy), which has indeed been inconsistent espec when the battery is low.

Perhaps linked to this zeroing problem