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23-09-2019, 01:52 PM

I run a small craft business and have had a small cnc machine for a few months that I've been using to add engravings to wooden items, and more recently engraved some homemade gifts for a family wedding.

I have some questions regarding using my machine with the grbl software it came with rather than the online software I've been working on (which has limitations unless I pay for a subscription). If someone could advise me as to where to post my enquiries I'd be very grateful.

Thanks for reading. :)

23-09-2019, 09:59 PM
just ask your questions here

24-09-2019, 12:37 PM
just ask your questions here

Thanks. I have a Sainsmart cnc which came with Candle grbl software. As I'm new to it all, that particular software looked too confusing so I searched about online and found something else that was really user friendly, just had to convert my files to svg, open it up in the programme and choose my setting from the drop-down menu. The only down side I have found with it is that it limits me as to what fonts I can use and certain cnc bits without purchasing subscription. So, I would like to know how to use the Candle software that my machine came with so I have a bit more freedom with what I do on there. I need it from absolute beginner mode, the manuals it came with don't actually tell me what I need to know.

If anyone is able to help or point me in the right direction of some layman instructions, I'd be very grateful. My searching online for such hasn't been very successful.

Thanks for reading.

28-09-2019, 12:13 PM
You could try F-Engrave. (https://www.scorchworks.com/Fengrave/fengrave.html)

This has a wider range of fonts, and can also import an image and generate G code from it. So you can lay out your artwork using the fonts you want, save as a PNG or JPG, import into F Engrave and generate the G code. And it's free.

I made some loco nameplates for somebody using this, you can see them here (https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/albums/member_album.asp?a=43405).