View Full Version : Broaching or ?

03-12-2019, 05:42 PM
Hi all
Is there anyone on this forum that could cut a 11mm hexagonal hole in a piece of mild steel rod either by broaching or other method ?
The rod is small enough to post approximately 6” and anyone willing and able to do it if they could PM me.
Bellow a picture of what is to fit in it ,although the hole needs to be approximately 3” deep the hex only needs to be 1/2 to 5/8” deep.
Thanks in advance Dell


06-12-2019, 09:05 AM
Hi Dell
Looks like no one has a wobble/rotary broach. it's a simple job with the kit but 11mm is an odd size, try ringing round engineering jobbing shops they might be able to help.

06-12-2019, 09:49 PM
Hi mekanik
I have purchased a 11mm broach from Slater tools and they said I should be able to press it , so I am going to give it a go , as the part to use it in a lathe is a lot of money, if I was going to use it a lot then I would buy one but as I am probably only going to use it once ( hopefully) we will see.

07-12-2019, 12:11 PM
Hi Dell
I wouldn't risk trying to force the broach by trying to push it, i used to look on ebay for rotary broaches but a lot of them came from America at about £80 a pop and i wanted metric hex sizes so i could make screw fixings. if you do a web search for diy wobble broach you should find something, they are not difficult to make. if you ask over at the model engineers website i am sure someone over there will have a rotary broach and would be able to help.

09-12-2019, 07:26 PM
I got in touch with the chap at Mike’s workshop and he sent me this link said it should work on mill or pillar drill so I am going to give it a go
If that fails I am going to heat to cherry red and press a 11mm Allen key in as I am going to turn shaft down to 14mm before fitting.

10-12-2019, 01:28 AM
I love Mike's workshop - learned a lot there! - just shows what you can do if you know the right stuff and are a bit ingenious.

13-12-2019, 08:26 PM
Sod’s law
just as I get everything to make a clock mainspring winder look what turned up in the post today after 3 month’s waiting and cancelling it.
i am still going to make one if I can as it will be a good learning curve because I haven’t touched a lathe for over 50 years.


13-12-2019, 09:24 PM
I don't know whether you are going for function or aesthetics, but could you not braze an 11mm hex socket onto a piece of rod ? and then turn it all to true and drill out the centre.

13-12-2019, 09:40 PM
Hi cropwell
I am going to try pressing it first as the company I purchased the broach from said that it is very feasible to press it into mild steel as long as the hole is the correct size IE for a 11mm hexagon hole the hole needs to be 11.2mm I have a 7/16 bit ( 11.1250mm) but I also have a 11.5mm bit just in case .
Going to do it next week with a 30 ton press.
Will post success or failure.

14-12-2019, 01:08 PM
Hi Dell
as i said earlier i wouldn't risk it, i have a hand pump hydraulic press and have used it for broaching 5mm key way but it doesn't like intermitent pressure, a press with rack and pinion will work as you can keep the pressure constant with no stopping. I used to work at VSEL in the super finishing department and we used hydraulic broaching machines and they do it in one pull.
Your decision but imho broaches are too much money to be destroying for no good reason, the idea from Mikes Workshop is very easy to implement.