View Full Version : This may be of interest as a tutorial general build video

Clive S
23-02-2020, 03:53 PM
As the title says This may be of interest as a tutorial general build video.

It is Linuxcnc related but I did find it interesting:-


23-02-2020, 06:43 PM
Clive - I don't want to lay any claim on this by cross-posting but it would be a fantastic resource to link to in the LinuxCNC section of of this board - be grateful if you could post the link there and better still if Lee can sticky it as a Hal reference - that's an area that is hard to get a cohesive set of info as a newbie. I know your interest here is not so much the HAL but it is still a useful link.

(btw, off topic - but as our resident LinuxCNC expert, have you any experience of launching a python script on start-up of LinuxCNC to create a cyclic function that can grab the internal state data and drive the VCP HAL having created the necessary interface pins?, in particular I might be falling down this rabbit hole of a solution to get the DROs for the different G5x coordinate systems)... but learning LinuxCNC, VCP/GTK, HAL and Python at once is proving challenging)

Clive S
23-02-2020, 11:23 PM
(btw, off topic - but as our resident LinuxCNC expert, have you any experience of launching a python script on start-up of LinuxCNC to create a cyclic function that can grab the internal state data and drive the VCP HAL having created the necessary interface pins?, in particular I might be falling down this rabbit hole of a solution to get the DROs for the different G5x coordinate systems)... but learning LinuxCNC, VCP/GTK, HAL and Python at once is proving challenging)

Mike, do you have a translator for this :beer: I am certainly no expert. I have put the link into the appropriate section