View Full Version : Rithmomachia Box

13-09-2020, 01:15 PM
Sometimes I get completely overawed by what the experts can do with amazing equipment and even more impressive skills and know-how.

I know this isn't in their league, but this is my second ever proper piece on a hobby 30X40 £350 machine and open source software. I was challenged to make a box for an ancient mediaeval game called Rithmomachia. All of the pieces and the box made from scratch.

I thought I'd post as a bit of encouragement for those of us who aren't such experts and to say thanks for loads of help and advice from those who are helping me get me this far.

13-09-2020, 01:26 PM
Well done - looks very professional ��

13-09-2020, 03:15 PM
pleased with it - but just makes me appreciate the real experts more :-)