View Full Version : NEW MEMBER: Model Making in all of its' forms

14-07-2021, 09:11 AM
Hi All,

I enjoy all forms of model making and spend lots of hours a week in the workshop. I have tried CNC and probably not enjoyed it as much as I should have because my introduction was the Genmitsu 3018....

Currently on my bench is a 1/20th scale working traction engine. I'm designing parts and making as I go.


This model is sat on my A4 notebook.

My collection of models is growing, last week whilst "dusting" I managed to clear the mantlepiece and place a number of them on their for a quick photo.


I have also been making some youtube videos of my work. Including making a stiffening bracket and sand bags to add damping to the milling machine.


I enjoy trying to solve technical issues. Best regards, Nigel

15-07-2021, 05:15 AM
Welcome to the forum! I had a look at your YouTube channel and you certainly know how to keep yourself busy! I was particularly interested in the wooden clock videos from a few years back. I have built a weight driven pendulum clock from wood but am currently working on an electrically driven design. I like you hybrid approach using a mixture of wood and metal.

CNC machines are ideal for this kind of work. I find the idea of accurately cutting out dozens of gear teeth by hand too monotonous for words but being able to produce a design, cut out the parts on my machine, see what works and what doesn't, redesign and cut some new parts, all within a sensible timescale is much more like fun.


15-07-2021, 07:54 AM
Hi Kit,

Thanks, I try to keep myself busy. I have a gallery of my work here (https://www.glue-it.com/wp/gallery/nigel-taylor-gallery/).

The clock hasn't progressed too far. I made the initial gears inspired by the book Longitude and the first clocks made by John Harrison. Hence the metal rollers. I need to get back to this at some point as I have made a number of gears for it and just not got round to designing the rest of the system.

Best regards, Nigel

16-07-2021, 09:16 AM
Hi Kit,

Thanks, I try to keep myself busy. I have a gallery of my work here (https://www.glue-it.com/wp/gallery/nigel-taylor-gallery/).

The clock hasn't progressed too far. I made the initial gears inspired by the book Longitude and the first clocks made by John Harrison. Hence the metal rollers. I need to get back to this at some point as I have made a number of gears for it and just not got round to designing the rest of the system.

Best regards, Nigel

Hello Nigel and welcome -

Some really nice work there - I too like the wood and metal mix, it creates both antique and contemporary work alike.

I can see that you put a huge amount of effort and creativity into your work!

How do you get away with that many hours in the workshop?
