View Full Version : USBCNC 4 AXES with PIC18F4550

06-12-2009, 03:24 PM
Hello all

During i've found this website :


i've download the PCB and the firmware, i've start to build my card, but some component are missing, i will need to buy it and after to do the test.

when i will finishing i will share you how it's working

have a nice day


06-12-2009, 09:34 PM
That looks pretty cool!

01-01-2010, 09:23 AM
Hello all

During i've found this website :


i've download the PCB and the firmware, i've start to build my card, but some component are missing, i will need to buy it and after to do the test.

when i will finishing i will share you how it's working

have a nice day


I thing it's worth time to build and money spent on license. It's a lot of work in software part...
All the needed information about schematics is in that site. I build-it and it's working very good. I can post eeagle files if anybody needs them.

04-01-2010, 11:29 AM
Hello esilviu

it's really pretty cool and nice job.

good work and i wish you a happy new year

03-05-2010, 07:10 AM
esilviu , you have done great job. I too believe that it takes a lot of work in software part. I am also building it but stuck at one place and I think it would be great if you send me eagle files as I really need them to solve my problem.

03-05-2010, 08:56 AM
esilviu , you have done great job. I too believe that it takes a lot of work in software part. I am also building it but stuck at one place and I think it would be great if you send me eagle files as I really need them to solve my problem.

Eagle schematic (complete) can be found on the http://www.planet-cnc.com/ (http://www.planet-cnc.com/) site, DIY section. You can design your own board based on that schematic. I have already altered my PCB, so it's best for you to make your own board. It's just a matter of placing and routing components.
Hope to see soon pictures with your board. If you are unsure about something, post here the question or brd file to take a look.
By the way: I suggest you to buy software while it still cost 70eur.... At this moment it is in full evolution, it is fully usable and new things are added every day! So it’s not fair that price to remain that low, when next competitor is about 300Eur....

08-05-2010, 02:28 PM

If anybody needs any assistence with controller (http://www.planet-cnc.com) of software I'll be glad to help.


13-05-2010, 03:56 PM

If anybody needs assistance with controller I can help.


22-05-2010, 12:21 PM
So, in other words: "Can anyone pirate the software for me".

Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

Eagle PCB is available for free, but has a limited board size (80x100mm). Looking at the boards that have been produced from the schematic, then they're a bit bigger than this. There is a free trial version for 60 days which can allow 100x160mm - I think that the boards will fit in this size. Look for the Freemium version.

Note that the full version of Eagle costs significantly more than 64 Euros though! Although I'm not sure if you're talking about Eagle or the CNC software itself. Either way - whatever.

Just had a look at the shop, so I guess you're talking about the CNC software itself...

22-05-2010, 02:24 PM
hello< any one share me a software from http://www.planet-cnc.com (http://www.planet-cnc.com/), i don't have a 64 Eur.. to get a full ver.. if i know'd the software is not free i'm not going to build it . it's to late i have totaly make , pcb,programed microchip Pic18f4550 ..

Well you could always write the software yourself... no? then please don't ask to copy commercial licenced software, its against forum rules. This is a polite warning, OK.

Lee Roberts
24-05-2010, 11:43 PM
hello< any one share me a software from http://www.planet-cnc.com (http://www.planet-cnc.com/), i don't have a 64 Eur.. to get a full ver.. if i know'd the software is not free i'm not going to build it . it's to late i have totaly make , pcb,programed microchip Pic18f4550 ..

Hi No sorry we dont do things like that here, if you want the software you will need to go and buy it like everyone else.

Lee Roberts
24-05-2010, 11:47 PM

If anybody needs any assistence with controller (http://www.planet-cnc.com) of software I'll be glad to help.


Welcome to the site Andrej, thanks for the support.

15-06-2010, 06:55 PM
really nice software
usb cnc i get my licence

i build the pcb its very easy to build it


im from tunisia if some 1 need more info contact me

14-07-2010, 12:45 AM
Hi, im new here,
i need to build one,
if i build the board, buy the pc software,....how can i program the PIC-ic ? is the IC program free? its in *.bin or *.hex
where can i get one?

14-07-2010, 08:13 AM
to program the PIC you need a programmer and you can download the firmware for the PIC for free from the planet CNC site. Programmers cost between 20 and 50USD on ebay, the cheap ones plug into a parallel port, the more expensive (like microchip's PicKIT2) are USB.

Or you can by the PIC ready programmed for 11Euro and since you are buying the software this would be the easiest and cheapest way to do it...

Phil Gravett
20-10-2012, 06:50 PM

If anybody needs assistance with controller I can help.


Hi Andrej
I have a Proxxon MF70 that I cnc'ed using a usb controller (4axis mk 1 I think) and generally i have been very happy with it and the software. I have a problem with G2 and G3 circular interpolation. No matter what I do I seem to be only able to make a quarter circle from say x0 to x10 y0- y10 with a 10mm rad. To go from x10 - 20 y10 - y0 10mm rad is mostly ok but going from x20 - x10 y0 - y-10 and
it starts making snake patterns and looses location of 0 datum point. I don't have any problem doing very detailed engraving and linier interpolation. Hope you can help.
Phil Gravett (Philcraft Steam)

20-10-2012, 06:59 PM

Please send your .settings and problematic g-code to my email.


25-08-2020, 08:26 PM
Hello all

During i've found this website :


i've download the PCB and the firmware, i've start to build my card, but some component are missing, i will need to buy it and after to do the test.

when i will finishing i will share you how it's working

have a nice day

The above link could not be opened

25-08-2020, 09:46 PM
The above link could not be opened

The thread is 8 years old. There' little reason these days to DIY a controller. Either PC with software or a GRBL board off eBay (and I'm not recommending the latter).

01-09-2020, 11:57 AM
Grbl with stm32 is working good . But u need skills to program it and electronics to make board .

01-01-2021, 05:35 PM
The thread is 8 years old. There' little reason these days to DIY a controller. Either PC with software or a GRBL board off eBay (and I'm not recommending the latter).

you can find that link here
https://web.archive.org/web/20091221071926/http://rc.cis.si/projects/cnc_motion/ you may have to try different dates FYI... but the links are there and the files are there.