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View Full Version : Mach 3 - homing and limits - knickers in a twsit.

Spaghetti Masters
16-10-2021, 09:53 PM

I’ve been watching CNC from afar for a few years now and finally took the plunge and got myself a machine. It’s a Warco WM18B that had already been converted to CNC by another (good guy, converts lots of them)….. it was set to go apparently, but I’m super confused as to homing, soft limits and my table display in Mach 3

I’ve inserted some images below but essentially my problem is, that when I set everything up as I think it should be in terms of soft limits and home negative etc then open some gcode, it appears off the table on Mach 3. Further more, the system thinks my spindle in ref all home mode is in the South East of the table when in fact it’s in the North West.

Really amateur here, but just wanted to get off to the right start on my learning curve!


16-10-2021, 11:35 PM

I’ve inserted some images below but essentially my problem is, that when I set everything up as I think it should be in terms of soft limits and home negative etc then open some gcode, it appears off the table on Mach 3. Further more, the system thinks my spindle in ref all home mode is in the South East of the table when in fact it’s in the North West.
Really amateur here, but just wanted to get off to the right start on my learning curve!

Read all of this first.

North east - south east possibilities:
1. You have -/+ max/min soft limit figures for xy axis backwards.
2. You need to 'reverse' xy axis on the limits page.

Stock off the table could be a few things.
Couple of options:
1: Does xy reversal (if that fixed the first prblem) fix this too.
2: Are you actually setting zero of your wcs for the part correctly or confusing it with machine coords instead.

Images are too small and sideways by the way. Can't make them out.

Spaghetti Masters
17-10-2021, 07:12 AM
That’s great, I’ll digest that and let you know if it solves it. Thanks for the prompt reply good sir.