View Full Version : NEW MEMBER: New Member Surrey

08-05-2022, 06:15 PM
Just joined today as a result of stumbling upon this group via a google search.

My interest are electronics and computing and I discovered a world of pcb prototyping using a cnc, this prompted me to get a 3018 pro and have a dabble. This turned out to be a can of worms, I can't seem to get any consistency so I will be throwing myself at the mercy of this forum with a million questions.
I did have success in milling a front panel out of abs for a disc drive unit for my old computer but that was not plane sailing as the plastic kept melting to the mill bit, but I got there in the end.

I am using KiCAD, Flatcam and Candle for pcb work and Freecad and Candle for the front panel.

I have found there is a bit of play in the X axis coming from the guide rails and linear bearings, I suspect this may be a cause of the inconsistency I am getting.

I shall have to sit down and try and figure out exactly what the problems are before posting.

Maybe there is a test pattern around that I could engrave that would highlight the area concerned.



Lee Roberts
07-11-2022, 11:44 AM
Hi and welcome to the forum Ashley, did you manage to get to the bottom of this?