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View Full Version : 3018 X axis play

09-05-2022, 03:07 PM
I was going to embark on an electronics project and discovered the world of p.c.b engraving, intrigued by this I got myself a Vevor 3018 CNC.

After a bit of playing I managed to create a test p.c.b. using KiCAD, Flatcam and Candle. Great I thought and then set about making a proper board, things went south at this point. I could not get any consistency with the engraving, sometimes it would work really well and other times there would be bare board where a track should have been. I put the p.c.b. to one side and thought I would try and make a front panel out of ABS for something I built earlier. Using FreeCAD and Candle I managed to ‘mill’ one although it was a bit of a mare as the plastic kept melting and sticking to the end mill, but I got there in the end.

Back to p.c.b. I took the CNC apart to clean out all the plastic dust that had built up and noticed that the X axis has some play between the linear bearings and the guide rails, and a bit of play in one of the vertical bars of the Z axis. I figured this may be the cause of the inconsistency and to prove it I fed some PTFE tape through the bearings and taped the ends around the back of the motor unit and put a piece of tape in the hole of the Z axis bar and that took the slack out. When I fire up the machine I was surprised as to how much quieter it was and I managed to engrave a test p.c.b.
I have read some articles on the internet implying that there are upgrade kits and super duper bearings out there to solve the issue, but I can’t seem to find a supplier or know with confidence what I am looking for, any help would be gratefully received.

Thought I would add a picture of the PTFE fix, subsequently found play in the Z axis fixed as well.



Lee Roberts
07-11-2022, 11:46 AM
Hi Ashley,

Did you make any progress with this, are the rails the correct size for the bearing units ?

08-11-2022, 01:00 PM
Hi Ashley,

Did you make any progress with this, are the rails the correct size for the bearing units ?

The bearings and rails are the correct size, they were the ones that came with the machine, since this post I did get an upgrade for the X axis
Only to find the rails were too short, but I fixed it by getting some stainless steel spacers M5/5mm/12mm
and some longer screws M5/30mm

This has resulted in less flex in the axis and less play but there is still a bit there, I will carry on experimenting.

Lee Roberts
09-11-2022, 12:10 PM
Hey Ash,

Ok it looks like your on the right path mate, just keep it realistic and understand what, in reality, a machine of this type is going to be, there will be a point where you'll have done everything you can possible do with this machine physically to make it "better", before you start going down the redesign road in order to further modify it...

If you need anything making via cnc let me know :)