View Full Version : CNC upgrade, need advice

23-08-2022, 07:03 PM
Hello everyone,

I have assembled and successfully run machine for my small projects for about a year,was temporaly bracket. Now it become a time where I have to upgrade as it's not fast enough.
At the moment is completely dissembled and restarting the project from the beginning, previously i have linear bearing sitting on top, but now is needs to be changed position as diferent router is going to be mounted.

change position steel gear
change position linear bearing
create space for router about 150mm

Here is some pictures attached how it looks before and my quick sketch new bracket, i think to make from 4mm steel.
Any recommendation?

Lee Roberts
12-10-2022, 09:53 PM
Hey Jaka, did you do this upgrade yet?

I think you should swap the r&p (gear) with the linear rail, so the linear rail and bearing can take the forces before the rack (gear) see those forces, its a small change but would be a better design imo.

14-10-2022, 08:46 AM
Not yet, i agree that you said but need sort the bracket first as this upgrade can happen after

Lee Roberts
16-10-2022, 07:08 PM
Ahh ok, keep us posted with the progress :)