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View Full Version : running stepper motor with printer data pcb board

14-06-2010, 12:33 PM

i have got a stepper motor(i think it is 12V) from a laser printer. I am thinking to run it through large floppy drive (about 5"), but i think it could not run it with full power. thats why i want to use printer's data pcb board to run it. but i need some guide about pins of data and power connector. plz may you help me.

Thanks in advance


14-06-2010, 04:18 PM

I have moved this post to the correct forum.

I don't think you will be able to get much help on your problem and I doubt you'll find anyone here who can help you.. sorry.

If you have the printers PCB you can try tracing the motor connections back to find out what driver chip is used and this may give a clue. Try Googling the laser printer model and the words 'CNC' or 'stepper', you may get lucky and find someone has tried the same thing.

Good luck!

17-06-2010, 12:55 PM
I also have try to run 6 wire motor with small floppy drive and it only run buildin motor. I think it generate low powered pulses. is there any way to powering up current coming to wires of motors.

pic of my motor is attached