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23-06-2010, 09:01 PM

talk about belief in your product ...

23-06-2010, 09:38 PM
wow... that is impressive.... but no way would i do that!

23-06-2010, 09:57 PM
Wow .... If that was me I would have total faith in my idea, and would do all the sausage tests ok .... but then forget to press the safety reset button when filming the final test

23-06-2010, 10:41 PM
Wow, best video I've seen this year. When HSE see that I can see it becoming another mandatory requirement for machinery.

Would have been good on the bandsaw that grabbed the top off an unfortunate forum member's finger recently. . . .

Robin Hewitt
23-06-2010, 11:01 PM
Would have been good on the bandsaw that grabbed the top off an unfortunate forum member's finger recently. . . .

I just checked, the afore mentioned finger tip is still a healthy pink so it looks like I've got away with it :beer:

Lee Roberts
24-06-2010, 12:04 AM
Lol Robin.

I dont know, i think i would have liked to see him push his finger into the blade abit more before i bet my digits on it.

24-06-2010, 08:20 AM
Not for me seeing as the device relies on detecting a current from the finger to the saw blade and with all the strange things electricity does that I have seen - no way!
What hope for a finger 5 years and no maintenance later ..... ?
For me just slow down, hands well away and a sharp blade, now drilling machines ... thats another story, you know the one, just drill it quick dont need to clamp... oops weres the bandage!!!


24-06-2010, 08:58 AM
that man must have bs of steel
could have done with one for my router a few years back when it decided to have lunch on my finger lol

Robin Hewitt
24-06-2010, 12:34 PM
The problem as I see is that when it fires it wrecks itself and the blade. Damp piece of wood, kapow? How many misfires before it gets switched permanently off? Maybe it doesn't misfire and I am overly suspicious :naughty:

24-06-2010, 01:07 PM
Hi Robin
I'd wondered about that. This, from his FAQ:
8. Can I use a SawStop saw in a humid environment? (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:showHide%28%27div8%27%29)
SawStop saws work fine in humid environments and they cut most wet wood without a problem. However, if the wood is very green or wet (for example, wet enough to spray a mist when cutting), or if the wood is both wet and pressure treated, then the wood may be sufficiently conductive to trigger the brake. Accordingly, the best practice is to dry wet or green wood before cutting by standing it inside and apart from other wood for about one day. You can also cut wet pressure treated wood and other conductive material by placing the saw in bypass mode.
I remember seeing this on the web when he was just releasing news of its development. He's an interesting man -- Ph.D in physics (protein folding theory), patent lawyer, ardent woodworker.
Awesome kit.


24-06-2010, 05:06 PM
Absolutely amazing stuff, great post.

25-06-2010, 08:25 AM
will it stop all blades as my one cuts alloys???

26-06-2010, 08:28 AM
There is a little more to this story than you think.

As mentioned before about HSE.

The chappie with the finger has spent millions of his own bucks going thru the law courts attempting to get it fitted to all new machinery by law (the nanny state).

So he will sell a $60 part every time one goes off.

I too would be willing to sacrifice a bit of skin off my finger tip for the expected returns in megabucks.

There has been large debates on other sites about this item, and it all boils down to idiots need the protection, but anyone with a mediocum of common sense doesn't, and is he doing it for the sake of mankind's fingers or filling his own pockets?

Maybe all new machines will have to be fitted with this sort of device, in which case, I think the sales of new machines will plummet.

My personal view is you should be able to have a personal choice if you want it fitted, or not.

Now to get the debate going, what are your thoughts about being forced to have something you don't want, or are you quite willing to have something like this made compulsary?


26-06-2010, 11:39 AM
I hate anything to do with the erosion of personal choice ... the guy obviously is thinking money but I only posted the thing as an interesting bit of technology ...

Robin Hewitt
26-06-2010, 12:51 PM
I have a useful collection of springs removed from lathe chuck keys over the years :beer:

26-06-2010, 03:29 PM

I wasn't getting on at you for posting it at all, it is a good piece of technology.

I was just trying to show people that there is another side to all the hype he is going through, and maybe the reason why he is so eager to prove it works.


26-06-2010, 05:07 PM
history shows that true altruism is a rare beast (with the possible exception of Tim Berners-Lee who made nothing from the 'Web', but got a knighthood eventually)

I have to agree that while regulation is a good thing in moderation, there comes a point where people have to be left to make their own choices (I am a great believer in Darwinism!) and if they are too stupid to get it right, well thats life as they say! How far do you need to go to protect the idiots against themselves at the expense of the sensibly minded?

29-06-2010, 04:30 AM
Having heard about this video from a colleague who saw it via link at some other site I am glad now to have seen it for myself, but I think we need to remember this is a device from USA where they use "dado"cutting blades on table saws and think it is safe to stand in front of a wobbly blade running at ****rpm !! also in the USA table saws are not fitted with blade gaurds and only recently have they considered it ok to fit riving knives to their saws, over here (UK) it is mandatory, as is recognised training to use such saws in the work place, but as for the DIY'er then I think that a bit of commonsense and self preservation are the best way to prevent accidents when using machines.

Robin Hewitt
29-06-2010, 09:37 AM
I thought the riving blade was to stop the wood binding on the back end of the blade and lifting off the table.

Maybe Yankee timber doesn't bind :naughty: