View Full Version : Google Sketchup components?
23-09-2011, 06:34 PM
Apologies if this is in the wrong place.
I'm sure I've seen somewhere some ready made components for Sketchup. Ball nuts, supported rails, bearing blocks that type of thing etc... I thought it was on the 8020 site but can't seem to find it.
Anyone come across these types of thing and can point me to it?
Many thanks!
23-09-2011, 08:10 PM
I think you just download them from google ??
23-09-2011, 08:22 PM
yes go to 3D warehouse
23-09-2011, 08:37 PM
Thanks James something there will keep me going a while longer! :) I've wandered through those.. couldn't find 25 supported rail tho.
I've been on a web site (in the llast 12 months and my history doesn't go back that far) and my recollection was that there were all the CNC bits you could shake a finely crafted 4 axis stick at! I pulled down a few bits, and still have them just not the right ones for this buid. Searched google for the file names I do have without any joy either...
I thought is was one of the 8020 alloy extrusion sites, but doesn't look like it.
23-09-2011, 08:53 PM
sorry I couldn't help
why don't you draw one and up load it to the site (fame at last) LOL
23-09-2011, 08:59 PM
lol, I don't think so! It's taken me three hours to figure out how to use the toolbox in there!
The only reason I'm even thinking of using phetch-up is that I've run out of crayons for the designs! :-)
blackburn mark
24-09-2011, 11:21 AM
i got mine from here, you can stipulate the length etc then down load in various formats
no idea if they will import to Sketchup
file formats are:
lol, I don't think so! It's taken me three hours to figure out how to use the toolbox in there!
lazy sod.... how do you convert crayon to gcode:rofl:
24-09-2011, 11:33 AM
ah of course! Bosch do 8020 stuff... That might well be the one! I'll take a look.
25-09-2011, 12:49 AM
The boschrethrox do all the art work you'll ever need to design a CNC or a food processing plant! ...and if you are using a real program! lol, I did find some bits in the google areas after all, the ball screws / nuts were of course filed under NEMA 23. (I have much to learn!) I haven't yet found a way of making the ball screws the correct length in the pics, but it's certainly good enough to check positioning and interference etc.
"how do you convert crayon to gcode:rofl:"
Will be posting questions in G-code corner on how to stop the wax blocking the holes in my punched tape reader soon. :rofl:
blackburn mark
25-09-2011, 11:30 AM
Will be posting questions in G-code corner on how to stop the wax blocking the holes in my punched tape reader soon. :rofl:
you use a pointy crayon to poke it through
It's taken me three hours to figure out how to use the toolbox in there!
cad can be a bitch to get into, keep pressing though, by the time you have finished your build you should be ready to design a time machine and catch yourself a hendrix gig:smile:
try your best to draw your finished machine to absolute perfection... it gets really tedious finalising your drawing, making sure everthing is going to fit just the way you exspect it to
most of us have to do at least a little bit of re-design halfway through our build due to an over sight in our drawings... its not to bad if you have the machinary to do the re-work, a nightmare if you havn't
25-09-2011, 11:27 PM
You don't think that nurse allows me anything that sharp do you? :lol:
yep, the bosch stuff cant import directly into Sketchup, but there are some ready made CNC on google that parts can be er, borrowed from!
I'd been expecting the process of drawing it to be a lot quicker than it is but it is getting quicker with each iteration of the design.
I'll do another rough and tweak the dims then a final construction guide.
(...then leave it a day and fiddle with it)
14-07-2012, 11:36 AM
I've found a few nice components by Jcb121 at
But the closest I can get to a model of KJN's 45 x 90 aluminium extrusion that many seem to use is which I've compared to the diagrams on KJN's website and it seems to be an exact match to their 45x90 (heavy) extrusion, except that it is missing the four cavities just inside the corners. However if one orbits to the cross-section on the opposite end of the model, these cavities are detailed there correctly but not pushed/pulled as "nothing" through the extrusion if that makes any kind of sense...
I've tried to modify these cavities into the model/component... but as a SketchUp (CAD?) newbie of just a few days standing have been spectacularly unsuccessful, and am not even sure if this can be done with the free version of SketchUp.
Would anyone know how to do this?
PS. The reason I'm trying to do this is that I'm questioning whether I would be able to easily attach the SBR20 Rail to this extrusion using self-tapping screws into these cavities?
14-07-2012, 12:10 PM
I'm still struggling with sketchup, but when i wanted parts Jazz steered me towards this site.
It has nearly everything you require on there.
14-07-2012, 01:22 PM
I'm still struggling with sketchup, but when i wanted parts Jazz steered me towards this site.
It has nearly everything you require on there.
Thanks. I tried that website last night and it seemed to be wonky... mind you it was the wee hours of this morning so I was probably the wonky component. It's quite incredible how much they have on there!
The closest model I can find so far is not quite right but I'll keep on searching there, and even consider being less anal than I can be and use the nearest match.
As an aside, I've got backlash on the mouse wheel thingy, which is real PITA when zooming in SketchUp!
17-07-2012, 11:13 PM
Thankfully a new mouse has sorted out the mouse-wheel-backlash problem, and thanks to direction from Iwant1 and JoeHarris I feel I'm slowly getting the hang of this SketchUp thing albeit in fits and starts... And SketchUp seems to be an amazing tool.
As part of the learning curve, I've created a model for the KJN 45x90 Aluminium Profile that may also be use to other peeps, and is available from so I can hopefully now get back to using it in my SketchUp design.
17-07-2012, 11:49 PM
Well done Andy, drawing looks good for practice. I used the 45x90 extrusion jcb121 has put in the warehouse, and also modified it to make the 45x45 extrusion.
One thing I could suggest which makes it look better is to soften the edges. Also once the object is drawn make sure you select the whole thing and group it. It doesn't have to be a component, but making it a group will make it easier to move around and orientate it. Other wise you will end up having to select each line and surface of the object every time you want to move it, and trust me you will be moving it a lot. If you want to make it longer just double click it to open the group, select the face and pull it.
Here's my example of how I would do it:
18-07-2012, 12:30 AM
I used the 45x90 extrusion jcb121 has put in the warehouse, and also modified it to make the 45x45 extrusion.
One thing I could suggest which makes it look better is to soften the edges.
If you want to make it longer just double click it to open the group, select the face and pull it.
Thanks Adil.
Yep, suppose I could have used Jcb121's and scaled it, but the only extrusion I saw from Jcb121 was 40x80, and it differed from the KJN version I wanted where the corner cavities are different, so doing my own from scratch using KJN's diagram was a good learning experience.
That softening of the edges is definitely summat that I will play with tomorrow.
I have done lots of grouping and exploding all evening, but found that I couldn't push/pull it lengthwise when it was a group. You know what..... I wasn't DOUBLE clicking the group!!!! Doh
18-07-2012, 09:41 PM
One thing I could suggest which makes it look better is to soften the edges.
My doh moment has passed and I've corrected an error in the model and added better guide lines and re-grouped everything and uploaded the model again.
For the life of me I can't get my corner edges softened nicely like you have Adil... I've been trying this on the group level, and the result is it only changes the corner lines from solid to dotted.
Help please... How is this done?
18-07-2012, 10:03 PM
Looks like you have made the extrusion into a component. First double click the component to open it then click again to select the group box. Now right click mouse and there is an option to soften/smooth edges. I think this is how far you have got. Sliding the bar up and down should remove all the solid lines till you're happy with it.
Are you getting dotted lines on the corner of the extrusion only, or every bend within it? Should be every bend within the shape. Then go to the 'View' tab and deselect hidden geometry. Should be done, fingers crossed.
Shame you made this 2 days to late for me to use, jcb121's was 80x40mm so I resized this using the scale function to make it 45x90mm.
18-07-2012, 11:44 PM
Are you getting dotted lines on the corner of the extrusion only, or every bend within it? Should be every bend within the shape. Then go to the 'View' tab and deselect hidden geometry. Should be done, fingers crossed.
You've hit the nail on the head again Adil. Thanks. It was me having the friggin "hidden geometry" selected. Oh well, we live and learn... some quicker than others ;-)
Problem solved and have uploaded new version of 45x90 Heavy KJN to the link in my earlier post.
Thanks again,
23-07-2012, 01:18 PM
My previous version of the 45x90 Heavy KJN model was still wonky and somehow not aligned to the axes and therefore difficult to use, with my limited SketchUp knowledge.
Have again started from scratch and uploaded another (final?) version and updated the previous links. My gawd... I have so much to learn... and that's just using SketchUp and getting the basic design done!
23-07-2012, 01:51 PM
When you want to draw a straight line (not wonky!) on axis make sure you hold down shift and check the line turns to the colour of the axis before typing a dim... The up, down, left, right controls on your keyboard also select the axis for you. :joyous:
07-08-2012, 11:49 AM
I have uploaded some components to a 3D-Warehouse collection for MacTavish at Models by MacTavish - 3D Warehouse Search (
- 45x90 Heavy KJN extrusion - new improved (cleaner/fixed) version
- 45x45 extrusion which is not accurate internally but I think is accurate externally
- Ballscrew assembly for RM1605/RM1610
These are certainly not perfect, but am sure they can help others get started in the same way that JCB121's components helped me get started.
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