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View Full Version : NEW MEMBER: any members from BEFAST, OR N,IRELAND in gereral

09-12-2011, 12:07 AM
i only recently joined this forum yesterday, i am a complete novice to all things CNC.i hope to built my own CNC MACHINE,but i was wondering was there many members on this forum from BELFAST, OR N, IRELAND, OR EVEN SOUTH OF IRELAND ., who i could make contact with, as i am from belfast myself. i would like to meet someone, who has a lot of experience on matters CNC, so that i can avail of some help and assistance. there seems to be so much information on the interent about CNC MACHINES, that at times it is hard to know what is the best approach. i am 57 years old, and i would be very grateful if someone could greatly help me , with some good advice and direction.

yours kindly paul