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View Full Version : NEW MEMBER: Hi from Denbigh North Wales - Myford ML7 lathe conversion beginner

25-04-2012, 07:28 PM
Hi Im Nick 39 for Denbigh, I am an Ultra Precision Engineer for an optics company Qioptiq http://www.qioptiq.com/defense-and-aerospace.html
I use a Nanotechnology Diamond turning CNC lathe: Moore Nanotech 250UPL/450UPL and 600UPL on a day to day basis to make world class optics
using Diamond tools form Contour and Apex, unfortunately I cant go too much into specifics as Im under the official secrets act but its all interesting

However my hobby is a bit more down to earth lol I restore classic/chopper/cafe racer motor bikes, from welding, engine building, to spraying etc. Im about
to embark on CNC conversion of my Myford ML7 lathe which is a bit more accessible real world of engineering than working to the nearest nano metre.
Obviously I can write and decifer CNC code but I am an absolute newbie when it comes to the control and drive of the actual machine, so if I can pick
all your brains, I will also do my best to help anyone out when it comes to my area of expertise

Cheers for looking and thanks for any help in advance


25-04-2012, 07:44 PM
Hi Nick and welcome!

Sounds like interesting stuff! :-)

John S
25-04-2012, 08:13 PM
Jazz is a very helpful guy and he's looking for a new pair of bifocals.

His last prescription for lenses was SK11 9DL.

25-04-2012, 09:30 PM
Jazz is a very helpful guy and he's looking for a new pair of bifocals.

His last prescription for lenses was SK11 9DL.

Ah ah Should have gone to Jodrell bank then not spec savers. . Twat.!!

27-04-2012, 06:17 AM
Hi Im Nick 39 for Denbigh, I am an Ultra Precision Engineer for an optics company Qioptiq http://www.qioptiq.com/defense-and-aerospace.html
I use a Nanotechnology Diamond turning CNC lathe: Moore Nanotech 250UPL/450UPL and 600UPL on a day to day basis to make world class optics
using Diamond tools form Contour and Apex, unfortunately I cant go too much into specifics as Im under the official secrets act but its all interesting

However my hobby is a bit more down to earth lol I restore classic/chopper/cafe racer motor bikes, from welding, engine building, to spraying etc. Im about
to embark on CNC conversion of my Myford ML7 lathe which is a bit more accessible real world of engineering than working to the nearest nano metre.
Obviously I can write and decifer CNC code but I am an absolute newbie when it comes to the control and drive of the actual machine, so if I can pick
all your brains, I will also do my best to help anyone out when it comes to my area of expertise

Cheers for looking and thanks for any help in advance


Hi Nick,

I too have been converting my ML7, used Nema 23 and 17 steppers, and C2 ground ballscrews.
Give me a shout, it'll be great to chat

Roy (077 3420 6952)

27-04-2012, 08:49 AM
Hi Nick,

i'm just down the road at SY10, so may be able to offer practical assistance. Problem is, my usage is with CNC Milling (profiling and engraving), so not that familiar with CNC Turning. However, there are many points where the disciplines meet. We all need a computer, breakout board and some suitable software. I do all my turning on an old S7 (no pxf).

Regards, Jas.

27-04-2012, 11:58 AM
Hi Im Nick 39 for Denbigh, I am an Ultra Precision Engineer for an optics company Qioptiq http://www.qioptiq.com/defense-and-aerospace.html
I use a Nanotechnology Diamond turning CNC lathe: Moore Nanotech 250UPL/450UPL and 600UPL on a day to day basis to make world class optics
using Diamond tools form Contour and Apex, unfortunately I cant go too much into specifics as Im under the official secrets act but its all interesting

However my hobby is a bit more down to earth lol I restore classic/chopper/cafe racer motor bikes, from welding, engine building, to spraying etc. Im about
to embark on CNC conversion of my Myford ML7 lathe which is a bit more accessible real world of engineering than working to the nearest nano metre.
Obviously I can write and decifer CNC code but I am an absolute newbie when it comes to the control and drive of the actual machine, so if I can pick
all your brains, I will also do my best to help anyone out when it comes to my area of expertise

Cheers for looking and thanks for any help in advance



I too was in aerospace for years - in the precision mechanics with embedded electronics side of things. As you say VERY interesting stuff.

Check out the bits and pieces from here http://bit.ly/JLEPti they have a nice breakout board and some stepper drivers etc to get you started. I like the rotary encoders they have as you can use these to jog the steppers when you are setting things up.

Good luck with the project and keep us posted with lots of photos as you go.......I have a Myford too so may well follow with a cnc conversion.