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View Full Version : Adjusting speed with vfd

18-09-2012, 09:18 PM
Oh dear. I do not know how to adjust the speed on my vfd invertor. Some clues please.

Also I have noticed that one of the membrane switches on the control unit, the set button, no longer clicks. Not sure if its working or not. Anyone blown up an invertor and could supply me with the small unit I would be grateful.

I have done a small test cut but only have a spindle speed of 7200 rpm. As soon as I do a 'proper' cut you lucky people will be treated to a video. I know, you can't wait.


this maybe is not clear. I have tried the up and down arrow keys when it is on freq or rpm and that does not change it. I presume that here is a setting \i need to alter. What really gauls me is when I gor this and tested it months ago Jonathan explained this to me. Old age is my best excuse.

19-09-2012, 07:09 AM
Amazing. 41 people have looked at this post and none of them seems to have known how to adjust the speed of a spindle using a vfd. I realise probably the up and down arrows are the answer and my problem is that I have a faulty control pad. I was just wondering if I was missing anything obvious.


19-09-2012, 08:16 AM
It depends on the VFD.. with one of mine I have to press RUN, then select the 'Hertz' display mode, then the up and down arrows control the speed; with the other I have to select SET 01, up/down, Enter...

If you said what VFD it was make/model you could get a better answer... :)

Web Goblin
19-09-2012, 08:35 AM
Dont use the keypad. Fitted a pot and use that instead.

19-09-2012, 01:50 PM
Dont use the keypad. Fitted a pot and use that instead.

That works too... as long as you know the key sequence to enable it lol

19-09-2012, 01:55 PM
If you said what VFD it was make/model you could get a better answer... :)
:cower::cower: OOps

Freq-Range: 0.1~400Hz

19-09-2012, 02:28 PM
It depends on the VFD.. with one of mine I have to press RUN, then select the 'Hertz' display mode, then the up and down arrows control the speed; with the other I have to select SET 01, up/down, Enter...

If you said what VFD it was make/model you could get a better answer... :)

THATS IT sorry thats it. I knew it was something simple. Thank you sooooooo much.

23-09-2012, 10:49 PM
Is this the one? https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:e5KiDzPED6wJ:www.cnczone.ru/forums/index.php?act%3Dattach%26type%3Dpost%26id%3D4180+h uanyang+vfd&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESh_GRhC_yq2Vd5eWSsV8Bi3YCx8ePdGObI2TyEV Auzk7NRszUmqH7_08R24FoUTSO83_idC6ljdsOlCsbU8SR3H_p MIOddqMGMtlkbC947Fvq0e_4Y3MSYoKSdReC1ULmlzYBPQ&sig=AHIEtbQKIAKTb8ZeBOVu1W_iXayyq0EA-A

24-09-2012, 04:07 PM
That is the one. I had the manual but just could not remember how to adjust the speed. Its not clear in the manual and I had forgotten that its the frequency you adjust and then monitor the rpm. Thanks for your effort Adie