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View Full Version : 2x Motors, 2x drivers. How about breakout?

20-09-2012, 02:41 PM

I'm running (or going to run) 2 motors on my longest axis. I also have 2 drivers. How should I connect the two drivers to the breakout board?

Should I run each driver as a completely separate axis, or should I run each driver from the same axis on the breakout board. I believe each driver has some series resistance at the input so it should be okay to parallel them I guess on the same breakout board axis.


20-09-2012, 02:58 PM
You can do it either way... Mach3 can slave two axis together, or drive both drivers from one BOB output. If you do the latter and the drivers have opto-isolated inputs you need to be sure the BOB can drive two inputs. Its unlikely it can't. What BOB & drivers are they and I'll check it.

20-09-2012, 03:21 PM
Hi Irving, I've got a HG07 BOB from CNC 4 U and the parallel drivers are CW8060. I'll just slave the axis in Mach3 to be certain it doesn't upset the hardware, I have enough outputs from the BOB.