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View Full Version : NEW MEMBER: Introduction

25-09-2012, 03:54 PM
So why haven't I found this forum before? Already have gleaned some useful information after only a couple of visits.

I've had a home workshop for 20 years or so, got interested in CNC in the last 3 or 4. Started by wondering how to simplify screw cutting on my Super 7, thought about an electronic gearbox, realised that if one was doing that CNC was just a small step away and much more versatile, so inspired by Tony Jeffree's articles in ME did a full conversion including building the driver box for Mach 3. (Since I'm an electronics engineer by profession this was not much of a challenge.) Conversion went well though I'm now realising that really it needs ballscrews, so thinking how to take that step.

Meanwhile, thoughts about converting my VMB mill led to starting to convert an X1 (couldn't quite see how to convert the mill without having a mill to make the bits with!), then I realised that the X1 wasn't really a very good basis. So I sold that to a friend, and managed to get a Denford Novamill, without its electronics, on ebay. Though quite small, it has at least the capacity of the X1 except it really shows how a milling machine ought to be made! Again I built the driver box and the machine works eally well - haven't done much with it yet except a small vice (to fit the same machine), some bits for the myford to improve the cross-slide motor mount, and some engraving (very slow!).

Now I'm back thinking how to fit ballscrews to the Super 7....one day I'll start making that clock!

Cheers, John.