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17-11-2012, 11:07 PM
Hi guys. Im really happy to say that i should be receiving my first ever CNC machine very soon.:tears_of_joy:

Ive had a VERY small proxxon mini mill for a couple of years now that gets used to make occasional crude one off parts for motorcycle building projects.

Its not CNC, and i find it very tricky to use being a relative novice. I must say ive got massive respect for the guys who use hand operated machines and make it look easy. It certainly isnt!!

I know this will raise some groans and sighs but i opted for the chinese 3020 router as i think it will satisfy my needs after maybe a couple of upgrades.
I only intend to cut styrene sheet prototype parts and then final parts in 2mm and 3mm carbon fibre sheet with it.
Things like dash mounting plates, the odd bracket here and there etc.

Anyways hope to meet some nice people here. Hopefully there are some experienced CNC machinists floating around the sleaford area??


19-11-2012, 04:35 PM
Hi Adam,

Welcome to the forum, there are lots of helpful people around (somewhere!!) so I'm sure you will get any help that you need. I'm guessing by the fact that you're already planning upgrades to the machine you know it's good and bad points...you're doing better than me as I've not built my machine yet....:)

19-11-2012, 06:29 PM
I only intend to cut styrene sheet prototype parts and then final parts in 2mm and 3mm carbon fibre sheet with it.
Things like dash mounting plates, the odd bracket here and there etc.

To be fair, much as I would like to point out how bad the CNC3020 is, at least until the electronics fail, it will be able to cut foam and carbon fibre quite easily so if that's all you need it could be considered logical choice.

20-11-2012, 07:05 PM
Hi Adam, I too am new member and am live close to Sleaford. Good luck with your new machine, and if I can be of any help just ask. Ihave to admit that I dont know anything about mac as i have always had machines with a dedicated controller.Hope our paths may cross soon. Regards,Geoff.

21-11-2012, 06:47 PM
Hi Geoffrey. It's great to hear there are some local guys around. Where abouts in the area are you based?

23-11-2012, 07:32 PM
Hi Adam.
I live in Morton near Bourne.