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View Full Version : Shopmate 2710ATO router question

09-02-2013, 05:22 PM
I just bought an oldish looking router, which has a right angle chuck drill attached that can be detatched. Has bolt points to attach and a cylindrical body with a giant screw thread, which must have been for the handle and base plate unit. Tried it out, it works.
Calls itself a Model 2710ATO heavy duty Shopmate, American but 240v. Not seeing anything on tinternet about it. 240v and 3amps and 20,000rpm.

My question is what can a 700w router at 20,000rpm cut on a cnc?

I suppose i'm asking because it an easy cylindrical design to mount and it was very cheap, BUT its all metal body means its prob the weight of a newer 2kw spindle. It might have plus points however that I dont know about like nice bearings or more torque than I think or something...