View Full Version : Front face DIY decals advice ..

10-06-2013, 07:35 PM
I have this idea for front plate decals on my amps. Martin will probably know what I need but I’ll throw it out there.
My first idea is to cover the front plate with a low tack tape, but I’m not sure what the best will be. I can’t use a lot of coolant although its only 3 mill ally as its going to end up machining in my bedroom ( until I find somewhere for it) lol . Then spray a coloured paint over it and after drying peel off. Not sure if it will melt the tape or rip / tear it.
Next idea would be to use the same approach but cover the face with a spray of some sort that would then wash off with water and use an oil based spray for the decals. On the pre painted Blue Red and black enclosures I’ll just etch them the silver of the alloy will be enough.
Any advice?

10-06-2013, 09:59 PM
I think your first idea might work....

Check this guy out.

CNC Software (http://jasondorie.com/page_cnc.html)
(Vid at bottom of page)

He does pretty much the same thing, he applies self adheasive vinyl to the work piece, does the cutting, sprays the piece and then removes the vinyl. Results look really good.

He is however cutting mdf. Like you said, it may melt at slower feed speeds?

Another option that might be worth looking at are water slide decals...
Make your own water-slide decals using your inkjet printer (http://www.craftycomputerpaper.co.uk/.Inkjet-Water-Slide-Decal-Paper_151.htm)

I have just bought some for a project but I haven't used it yet so I can't fully say if its a winner yet...


11-06-2013, 02:33 PM
Low tack is possibly not the best way to go David, it would be quite easy to lift the edge of a low tack tape while machining which would then allow the paint to bleed under the tape when applied.
What you want is a removable vinyl, one that comes off clean & doesn't leave lots of glue residue behind. I would try & get some samples of Paint mask films & short term removable vinyl films. If your not using a liquid coolant then even a medium tack application tape might do, that would be the cheapest option if it worked.

11-06-2013, 03:23 PM
Thanks Martin , any recomendations .. that I might be able to buy say from eBay or should I go to a bodyshop/ sprayshop ?

11-06-2013, 04:48 PM
Sent you a PM David

12-06-2013, 08:41 AM
From my bookmarks file: Make your own custom DRY TRANSFERS in less than 10 minutes with "DecalPRO" (http://www.pulsarprofx.com/decalpro/)

12-06-2013, 09:16 AM
Or from the UK here:

DecalPRO FX new for applying decals to any surface with no carrier film. (http://www.craftycomputerpaper.co.uk/.-Decal-PRO-Fx_000012.htm)

12-06-2013, 02:37 PM
Sent you a PM David

Thanks Martin great information as normal.

From my bookmarks file: Make your own custom DRY TRANSFERS in less than 10 minutes with "DecalPRO" (http://www.pulsarprofx.com/decalpro/)

Or from the UK here:

DecalPRO FX new for applying decals to any surface with no carrier film. (http://www.craftycomputerpaper.co.uk/.-Decal-PRO-Fx_000012.htm)

Thanks for the links guys, Martin got me thinking maybe I'm over complicating this, I have contacted a custom decal maker on eBay for a prices , I can get loads of the front faces on a single A4 sheet so might be cost effective . also make some nice customisation for the tops ;)

13-06-2013, 01:35 AM
Depends what sort of look you want David, a sticker is always going to look like a sticker, could dome it so it's a bit more up market but it will still look like a sticker. I think engraving & then infilling with paint would give a far better finish, would last better but at an increased cost in time if nothing else.

Oh & what's this " I've contacted a custom decal maker on ebay" all about ???? Am I not good enough for you lol

13-06-2013, 11:23 AM
lol Martin of course you are mate, I didnt know you did Machine printed Decals ? Like these Decal (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261213164967?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649) They are the same as the other links above but I wont need to spend £75 just to get started , if you can do them then lets barter lol :)