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View Full Version : Creating .TAP files in Mach3

21-11-2013, 07:40 PM
I'm a beginner using Mach3 with LazyCam and I can't work out how to create a .TAP file.

OK...LazyCam is easy to work with and it exports GCode to Mach3.
But the code appears in the Mach3 file directory with a .LC suffix.

I can see that Mach3 doesn't like .LC files, it wants .TAP files.
How do I convert them from .LC to .TAP?

Does anyone know how to adjust the spindle speed. There's a drop down tab on the menu bar in Mach3 but it doesn't have any effect on the speed.

Hoping someone can help, 5K down and nothing to show for it.

22-11-2013, 06:02 PM
I'm a beginner using Mach3 with LazyCam and I can't work out how to create a .TAP file.

OK...LazyCam is easy to work with and it exports GCode to Mach3.
But the code appears in the Mach3 file directory with a .LC suffix.

I can see that Mach3 doesn't like .LC files, it wants .TAP files.
How do I convert them from .LC to .TAP?

Just Rename it and end with .Tap or .Txt. Mach will take .Tap .Txt .Nc .Ncc file extensions.

Does anyone know how to adjust the spindle speed. There's a drop down tab on the menu bar in Mach3 but it doesn't have any effect on the speed

Few ways really.
First On the Standard 1024 Mach screen on right you have a Spindle Speed section override slider, the green bar. The Commanded spindle speed in the G-code file will be shown in the Speed DRO so to increase or decrease just slide the Green Override slider up/down. Or Click directly into the Speed DRO displaying and enter new value.

22-11-2013, 09:45 PM
What hardware do you have for controlling the spindle speed ? what I mean is Mach3 needs to control some hardware in order to change speeds.

23-11-2013, 09:51 AM
The .LC extension means you have saved this file as a lazycam file. This is fine when you want to pick it up and do more work on it. To get a .TAP file of Gcode for Mach3 to run you will need to hit the 'Post Code' button at the top right of the Lazycam screen. When you get more into it you might explore posting options, but for now I hope this helps.


BTW I am currently using a Kress spindle with a relay for Mach 3 to switch it on and off. I have a Super-PID on my bench which I hope to fit soon. I plan to photo diary the project.