Lee Roberts
06-12-2013, 08:23 PM
Just seen this on ebay thought i would share it:
routout boards/controller
power unit
optics set
extra focus lense taped to power instructions
laser tube
safety specs (laser um spec)
instuctions for power unit
instructions for routout boards
12 volt pump
None of the items have had power to them.
been asked how much I paid
£500 for laser/power supply
£200 for lenses
£150 boards
£40 glasses
tube length 600mm
Link: 40W CO2 Laser Tube + Power Supply for Cutter Engraver Machine fit to cnc router (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/40W-CO2-Laser-Tube-Power-Supply-for-Cutter-Engraver-Machine-fit-to-cnc-router-/271335962578)
Good luck :).
routout boards/controller
power unit
optics set
extra focus lense taped to power instructions
laser tube
safety specs (laser um spec)
instuctions for power unit
instructions for routout boards
12 volt pump
None of the items have had power to them.
been asked how much I paid
£500 for laser/power supply
£200 for lenses
£150 boards
£40 glasses
tube length 600mm
Link: 40W CO2 Laser Tube + Power Supply for Cutter Engraver Machine fit to cnc router (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/40W-CO2-Laser-Tube-Power-Supply-for-Cutter-Engraver-Machine-fit-to-cnc-router-/271335962578)
Good luck :).