View Full Version : eBay: Galil DMC-1580 Motion Controller 8-Axis

Boyan Silyavski
24-12-2013, 11:39 PM
Galil DMC-1580 Motion Controller 8-Axis Control 1500 Series Servo | eBay (http://www.ebay.es/itm/Galil-DMC-1580-Motion-Controller-8-Axis-Control-1500-Series-Servo-/111172003928?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19e25e2858&_uhb=1)

Seems very interesting. Here is the pdf (http://www.galilmc.com/catalog/legacy/catlegacy.pdf)for it i found.

I was contemplating to buy it or not, seems others have their eyes there too. Originally it cost almost 4000$ wow .

What stops me is i am not sure how to drive it. The software costs money it seems.

25-12-2013, 10:30 AM
It isn't clear but they talk about a 'terminal' and drivers for $20, It sounds to me like a DOS style terminal window where you enter the commands a line at a time and it allows upload/download facility to the controllers memory.

I found this (DMC 1500) , it talks about an editor on page 79