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View Full Version : RFQ: Spindle Mount (Ali mill job) - one off

26-01-2014, 12:03 PM
Having had a router seize up, burn out and pop a fuse I'm looking to replace with a 800W Chinese water cooled spindle with a 65mm diameter body. Intent - that I won't need ear defenders sat 3 feet from the machine (marchant dice gantry A4 CNC router). I'm playing with this as a hobby - I'm not a machinist so please excuse the terminology below.

To do this, I obviously need to replace the 43mm dia clamp/mount with a 65mm mount. For simplicity sake I'd aim for something similar to what is already on the table. Hopefully, attached, a photo of the existing mount, some detail:-

Material thickness: 19mm aluminium
Depth - front of mount to rear face of mounting lugs to the Z-axis: 89mm ***
Width - at lugs onto Z-Axis: 120mm
Width - at front : 71mm ***
Centre - 50mm from Z-Axis mount face to centre of spindle
Mounting holes - 90mm centred, drilled for M6 bolt.

*** = obviously, subject to change for the new, larger mount.

Material thickness: could be from 19mm upto 25mm (I'm guessing thicker = better)
Depth: Ideally the same, but clearly the larger diameter hole has to be considered.
Width - at lugs onto Z-Axis : 120mm - there's not much option here
Width - at front - engineering judgement based on spindle diameter.
Centre - taking away the bulk of the old router, I'd expect the centre would be similar, at 50mm, despite the extra radius.
Mounting holes - engineering judgement.

...and obviously clamp bolt hole drilled near front for a M6 bolt through one side, tapped for M6 on the other.

I'm kinda hoping that someone already has plans for this, or similar, I could create a DXF myself, but that involves me learning a new drawing package and guessing at sensible dimensions and ultimately, I'd expect someone to prefer to fiddle with a design themselves using their own judgement.

I could, of course, head to China for this, but chinese new year, 30 day shipping, and my bad luck with missing shipments means that I'd prefer to source this within UK and get back up and running, rather than wait until March.

Any takers? (or, alternatively, anyone know of a UK supplier for mounts - I can't find anything on Google that doesn't involve China)

05-02-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi Doddy,

What you are doing with your router sound interesting. I might be able to do this for you if I have some spare time by just machining in out of a bit of solid ali. Is the bore tapered or straight all the way through?

Let me know.



05-02-2014, 05:38 PM
Chris, thanks for replying : Possibly unseen here & now, there was a long series of replies amongst whilst I did answer that someone had replied and I was sorted. Much of the reply got moved to another thread (search for "etiquette", I think), as it kind of went off-topic here.

To all other readers: The job has been fulfilled.


Lee Roberts
05-02-2014, 06:42 PM
Hi doddy, sorry about that I should have left one of your replys saying you was sorted. I've made this sub forum "discussion disabled" today.

There could be some confusion if people see threads here but cant reply when they try, so I will need to prune the threads in here shortly for consistency.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to Chris.
