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View Full Version : need CAM that outputs g2g3

28-02-2014, 12:17 AM
I am currently using deskproto cam to carve 3d reliefs but it is limited to g0g1 commands. I'm would like to try a cam program that outputs g2g3 arcs, to see if it smooths out stl face joints and maybe reduces file size.

Can anyone recommend a suitable cam program that might fit the bill? One with a free trial would be useful.

Thanks. Chris

28-02-2014, 04:53 PM
There really aren't any out there. At least I'm not aware of any?

.stl files don't contain any arcs, just flat triangular faces.

I've cut quite a few 3D ,stl models, and have never seen any faceted areas on my carvings. Have you tried increasing the .stl resolution when exporting from your CAD program?

As for file size, I don't really see an issue there. The largest g-code files you'd probably see are tiny by today's standards, and shouldn't really cause any issues.

28-02-2014, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the reply, Gerry.

I have several related issue that I'm trying to solve. Firstly, my cnc router is run by a dsp pendant, instead of mach 3, that has a max file size of 105mb, meaning I have to divide big cutting files into parts. Secondly, my reliefs have some flat faces visible where there is not much detail. I have looked at increasing stl resolution but am trying to avoid making the file sizes larger. I was hoping that by converting straight lines to arcs, I could both reduce file size and smooth out the look of the relief.
I received this advice from the Blender (CAD) forum, but don't have the experience to know if it is possible to implement on deskproto, or any other cam;

If you want smoother cuts on your CNC from an STL file, you need to post process the G-Code.
Here is a script that converts straight-line (g1 cuts) to g2g3 arcs.
LinuxCNC Documentation Wiki: LinesToArcs (http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LinesToArcs)

Does this make any sense to you? Could it do what I want and reduce my file size and smooth the workpiece. do you think?

Thanks. Chris

28-02-2014, 09:16 PM
Looking at the documentation, no, it won't work, as it only converts arcs in the XY plane.