View Full Version : scm tech 95l cnc machining centre User manual or parts lists

george uk
01-04-2014, 05:00 PM
anyone know were i might download one of these.

scm tech 95l User manual or parts lists

am picking one up tomorrow.

OR, if anyone has used one (scm tech 95l) am looking for the lifing footprint or advice on how to orientate the cantilever part so it does not move when lifted )

any advice will do ??....;->:encouragement:

01-04-2014, 06:24 PM
Is this any good to you George?



george uk
01-04-2014, 06:35 PM
Thanks, i have spent a few hours trying to track down these, best brush up on my italian, but the pictures do the trick perfetlcy anyway

100% exactly what i needed. thanks

01-04-2014, 06:48 PM
No worries. The PDF is in about 4 languages, English is there if you look carefully.

I found it on a US site if it helps in the future : https://www.partspronto.com/

Good luck with the new toy :)


george uk
02-04-2014, 10:10 PM
that was invaluable firetrappe thanks, These are one solid machine, and apparently am not he-man any more, or so every muscle in my body is screaming at me. Had to leave it outside the workshop till the morning. Start work on upgrading it tomorrow

02-04-2014, 10:43 PM
Hi, I bought an old (1999) SCM 120 cnc router, not working (ebay again). I decided not to try to upgrade the machine, but had the NUM controller updated from windows95 to XP. The main control cabinet looks fairly similar to yours. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage with not reconfiguring the machine is that the controller only recognises .XPI input. I have to save the nc file as .XPI in the post processor and then transfer that into the NUM controller. No problem at all, but it took a bit of getting used to. You are dead right, those old SCMs are very heavy and solid, well built machines. Placing the machine in position (pallet truck and machine skates) took some doing. My machine uses the spinning nut on the long axis and standard (all very heavy duty) turning ballscrew on the Y and Z. I suspect that your machine is very similar. These machines are real workhorses and I hope to hear that yours is once again earning its keep. Good luck. Geoff.

george uk
03-04-2014, 09:42 PM
Got it home today ( on front, not in workshop yet ).

Placing the machine in position (pallet truck and machine skates) took some doing

Ha, ah i can laugh now, these are a nightmare to move on skates over uneven ground, every fiber in my body is screaming, even my eyelids acke.

My machine uses the spinning nut on the long axis and standard (all very heavy duty) turning ballscrew on the Y and Z. I suspect that your machine is very similar.

Yes, all in ace nick thanks, no play, al round solid

These machines are real workhorses and I hope to hear that yours is once again earning its keep. Good luck. Geoff.

I purchased this one to help me accuratly mark out and drill the parts for a machine jig, to build another machine that have designed that requires extreemly accurate bolt positions. So i needed a long heavy machine to bolt the jig markers to the base. I have a sort of different idea about Z axis, after spending a few weeks trying to understand its limitations on forces from all directions ( so same design Z can be used for 5/6 axis heads, or rock solid, 3 axis head that will take an impactor head. I will put up the design when i have built the Y/Z cartridge properly, on my build log.

the machine is that the controller only recognises .XPI input.

am probably going to ask you a few questions on that, experience beats hours of reading, and helps avoid wrong turns11997

04-04-2014, 09:19 AM
Sounds a very interesting project. PM me if you want my phone no - I find talking better than incessant emails. G.

05-01-2015, 07:31 PM
hi firetrappe thanks for the parts list manual i wonder if you or george have got hold of a user manual i have a smc tech 95 its been in a corner in the work shop since i got it (n yes ebay ),now i need to get it going but am completely new to cnc would be grateful for any help

george uk
26-04-2015, 01:52 PM
yes i will dig it out for you mate, i saved all the manuals and parts lists that peope showed/supplied me.

I searvices mine, so let me know if you get stuck. Its a big machine to start with but not to hard.

Whats your intent for it.

26-04-2015, 04:58 PM
yes i will dig it out for you mate, i saved all the manuals and parts lists that peope showed/supplied me.

I searvices mine, so let me know if you get stuck. Its a big machine to start with but not to hard.

Whats your intent for it.

im based up north in manchester was hoping to do kitchen units and bedroom furniture but at the moment can not get away from shopfitting. i have found the parts manual but still could do with a user manual

thanks for the reply

george uk
27-04-2015, 10:58 AM
will do, i might have to scann it ( its big ), so i will do it friday or saturday.

Its ideal for kitchen and wardrobes. there are some special codes as part of the g-code, but nothing unusual. i think i have a copy of the setting disk and some other bits you will find usfull.


when servicing bearings and so, the parts manual does not always show you all clips and screws. I got stuck on the main X screw baring for a while. they are easy enough to service though

2. Take time to make sure you set the feet properly, so the the weight is spread over the full lenght ( stop any slight twist on long jobs ) even if you have had it stood for a while, true up the shape by adjusting the feet

final,,, saftey barriers and e-stops are a must on these type machines... they look fabulously dangerous whilst in operation. massive green iron comedy splatting type cnc machines

27-04-2015, 11:48 PM
Thanks for all the help george are you based any where near me

Clive S
28-04-2015, 08:18 AM
Thanks for all the help george are you based any where near me

If you mouse hover over the flag next to his name it indicates that he is in Grimsby So up the M62 about 108 miles ..Clive