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View Full Version : What cabinet / closet design software?

Boyan Silyavski
01-11-2014, 07:56 PM

Do you know of some very useful cabinet design software? I mean i can draw it easily in Sketchup or NX, but what about some dedicated software that speeds the process and has some integrated automation and may be advanced calculation features? May be even for free or not very expensive?

01-11-2014, 08:00 PM
Do you mean kitchen type cabinets or fine hardwood furniture cabinets ?

Boyan Silyavski
01-11-2014, 08:03 PM
I mean more- composite boards , so that would be kitchen style i think. Should be able to design wardrobes though. And if can spit the resulting boards on a plane would be ideal.

01-11-2014, 08:12 PM


Boyan Silyavski
01-11-2014, 08:24 PM
Thanks Eddy,

The mosaik is something what i could be after, but the price is not for me /150 per month/ . I found http://wooddesigner.org/polyboard-software/ and seems that the software could be for free and if i need the plans and cut files and so, for a specific project , then a pro revises my job and they give me the job plans for ~100gbp. Quite reasonable in fact.

I will try this and that from your second link, thanks!

01-11-2014, 08:28 PM
I didn't notice it was 150 per month, thought it was 150 to buy, sorry.

02-11-2014, 01:13 AM

03-11-2014, 12:12 AM

That's an excellent program for the money, very simple and quick.

03-11-2014, 12:41 AM
Writing my own cabinet program is on my list of things to do, but it'll probably be a dozen years before I have time to get to it. :smile:

Boyan Silyavski
03-11-2014, 12:50 AM
I found that one for 65 USD, a bit clumsy and oldfashioned but does the job http://www.cabinetplanner.com/
I am testing it from yesterday and seems quite right for me. For the price is no brainer

The second choice would be the Polyboard, register, download the free version and when needed pay 15GBp for the plans for the CNC job.

Still when have time have to test the Polyboard and the Cabinetpartspro.

03-11-2014, 03:27 PM
The second choice would be the Polyboard, register, download the free version and when needed pay 15GBp for the plans for the CNC job.

Wouldn't a be any choice for me really.? Ok if one off job but not if using often.
What happens if you want to tweak something or make a change.? Will they charge again or a Fee. Then what about time waiting for changes etc.? Often when change is needed it's needed straight away so waiting wouldn't be an option.
Very limiting to me and £15 is lot of money for what is simple operation of just generating G-code.! . . . . . Bloody hell I'd be rich if i'd charged £15 for every time I've knocked some code up for some one. . Lol

Boyan Silyavski
03-11-2014, 03:37 PM
Wouldn't a be any choice for me really.? Ok if one off job but not if using often.
What happens if you want to tweak something or make a change.? Will they charge again or a Fee. Then what about time waiting for changes etc.? Often when change is needed it's needed straight away so waiting wouldn't be an option.
Very limiting to me and £15 is lot of money for what is simple operation of just generating G-code.! . . . . . Bloody hell I'd be rich if i'd charged £15 for every time I've knocked some code up for some one. . Lol

Agree there Dean, but having in mind that i will do this once or twice an year and make profit at least 1000 for every job, 15 gbp are irrelevant.

Not that i defend them , but using a softwaree worth 2000 for free, having the possibility to export 1 job for free per month and 15gbp when needed, seems great to me.

If i can draw fast and present fast the design, that is what really matters