Well this tiny board seems to continue to raise higher on my SHIT list, though i am still trying to remain positive. I feel tempted to review it more in detail, but as i am still getting to know it, will take a bit more time to see if its a winner or looser.

So for the moment that's where i am:

-support was ok as communication, but did not resolve my issues. Clean installed my PC, read manuals, continued conversations with support, blah, blah. Problem still persisted. Every 1-2 from 10 times it will not go to X0 at end of program and mess a piece.

So i installed Mach4 trial. I have too many money invested in Mach3 to change programs. Plus i have screens, screens for plasma THC..., so No for the moment. But it worked without problem there. Then back to Mach3. from Pokeys support i previously was urged to install the latest beta plugin that has in their words " same as mach4 communication library" . Still it gave me bigger problems messing with recognising at all the IPs and so.

At the end yesterday i reread the communication between me and support and at the end figured the problem. Problem was their manual says " add the Pokeys IP manualy and restart" . Seems their plugin automatically finds after restart the IP. And me doing it manually messed up things. Is there somewhere abbreviation for " Update the F"""ng Manual?

-if you read my build log the cheap chinese relays were not working with this board / could not provide enough power, or i did not figure how. So i had to shell 50 euro for their 8 relay board. Set all today. Everything fine but when i switch on and power the BOB at first there is like 2 sec when all powers on, the relays switch on like crazy. Come on, that is bloody dangerous. Spindle starts and if i had connected sth else...

-Spindle 0-10V output. I had to read forums hours and hunt the information. No simple set up guide. Come on. Is it so difficult? Just asked them sth. While i have figured what i have to do in the plugin, i still don't know is if i have to change in Mach3 spindle PWM set up and enable spindle from motor tuning window.

Meanwhile there was no voltage output and i managed to break apart that tiny/ did i say microscopic/ trim pot that regulates the voltage.

So i have 2 boards, relay board and output board from them. The idea was to power my small machines with sth made in EU, cheap and Ethernet, with enough axis. For the moment this is not to my expectations. I watched people power mill with this board, but hey- what happens atthe first 2 seconds when the relays go crazy?

So now i have no voltage and i am in a need of separate board / as the second board most probably will be returned to them or sold at ebay/ for the spindle