HI John,

i was seriously considering Downgrading to LPT before i read your post. if after 6 years in CNC i can not make a board spin the spindle at speed, cut repeatedly 10 elements, switch on and off the relays when i want to...then maybe is better to go back in stone edge.

"Unpaid beta testers". No, we are more like "willfully Paying Alfa testers"

So the chinese have done it again? What will you use 2 axis for? laser or plasma? Anyway, how did you find it? Again you are "alfa tester"? Or sb already has it working. Could you provide a link please. I swear here in front of all that if one of these chinese things, say a4 axis works reliably, i will buy 100 pieces for starters and raise the bar so, that anyone in EU will have a serious difficulty to sell his crappy motion control board even for 100 euros. I am so fed up with BOBs. I was very seriously considering these days to raise the question if sb here at forum is capable of designing a board to my specifications so we partner to produce it.