I didn't say I didn't have the time to build it, but didn't want to start from scratch researching every single aspect l if people can offer help in the right direction.

I know in mechanically terms what is required and I don't know where the best place is to get the parts so was again hoping for advice.

there has to be common parts people use or software people thing is the best etc.

i wanted experienced advice, reading people's blogs where they are learning them selfs also doesn't mean it's the best way of going about things etc, how do I know who is doing it right or wrong? I don't know enough to make an educated desision right now, so means I have to learn everything so that I can form that opinion.

i was pointed to this forum and maybe I expected that I would be offered some advice, but being told to basically go do a "search" or "buy one new" wasn't what I needed to hear lol (kinda obvious :-p )

thanks anyways, i won't give up on this just looks like I'll have to do it the hard way which I was trying to avoid :-)