I put up a hello thread up and not a single person bothered to reply (nice warm welcome) and was ignored, so started this thread and told to go search or buy a new machine already built, so sorry if I gave up on this forum :-)

I asked for advice not a hug lol its a typical non helpful forum response "google it" instead of actually helping, I have already done allot of the ground work just wanted to know best places to look for stuff, lol, even purchased the hypertherm 45.

i help people each day, and give allot of my own person time to help people, i try and educate and give sound advice, that's what I joined a forum like this for, I didn't realise I had to work it all out first then ask about it hehe

anyways sorry I posted asking, the forum that sent me he was so helpful and advice was great, so I'll get my coat :-)