Woah, not exactly the best attitude to adopt when you are asking for help. This forum has to be the most helpful around with an abundance of knowledgeable and helpful members many of whom are experienced cnc builders and electrical and mechanical engineers.

I have nothing but gratitude and respect for the help I have received, Dean has spent a lot of time providing me with help that has enabled me to go from an absolute newbie who had never touched a machine to someone who is now running and maintaining their own 8x4 cnc router in a production environment. Even upgrading the machine from a DSP to CS-Labs controller which was made so much easier (possible) with Deans assistance.

Oh and did I mention that the members of this forum share their valuable expertise and knowledge for free!!!!!

Why help people who cannot be bothered to help themselves especially when they approach you with a snot nosed 'I want everything given to me as I don't want to do any hard work myself' attitude!