. .
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  1. #21
    Clive, don't take that so personally please. That's my opinion and i stand behind it. It comes not from browsing internet but from real life. And even so i have nothing to prove to no one. Just sharing, like you say its DIY site, otherwise for that or other info i charge money most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clive S View Post
    Boyan How can you say the above with conviction. Windows is not crappy and you certainly do not require to change the hard drive to a flash drive. Hard drives will run for many years without any problems. Flash drives are new on the block and have not been tested for many years in service as yet. Although I am getting to like them.
    I spend a couple of years here in Spain repairing PCs as a side job. Number one fault at least 50% in cases=faulty hard drive

    cheap PC for garage =old pc= possible near future hard drive fault.

    Which by the way is a pain in the a** to prove and find, cause many times sometimes all work, sometimes not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clive S View Post
    etc. We could say the same about the Russians but that would not be fair either
    Nope, we can't. I know Russian perfectly, have lived with Russians, done business with them, worked with them and have Russian friends even here. No that could not be said for them or any part of it.

    On the other hand i have been to Asia, know some of them already perfectly, lived there. My wife works in a company and is a head of department and solely responsible for dealing with Chinese production, they have office in China, chinese working for them and she goes like 2 times per year in China.

    Right now i am also trying to find the manufacturer and supplier of the other board / the cheap one from the other thread/ . Have already a couple of people engaged there.

    So i know perfectly well what i am talking about. [/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Clive S View Post
    If you know where to buy these and get good support why not put links up. Remember this is a forum to help each other not for self gain.
    Cause they are more expensive than the boards could be found. , did not i say that? Its a diy forum, like you say. Price is first. With simple ali express search one could find who is selling cheaper and who could offer support.

    Good support? Thats to be proven. What i said was ask for a support before and after you buy from them. Nobody will give you a support if you don't buy from him. You pay that in the price.

    But FYI :
    project 1 , 2, Dust Shoe ...

  2. #22
    I spend a couple of years here in Spain repairing PCs as a side job. Number one fault at least 50% in cases=faulty hard drive

    cheap PC for garage =old pc= possible near future hard drive fault.
    Boyan I have a house in Spain for the last 15 years and I know that the electric supply is crap (but is getting better very slowly) that means the electric can go off on a regular basis which is very bad for hard drives as you know. This just does not happen in the UK. I have had hard drives lasting more than 15 years.

    You missed the pun about the Russians! I do think that your comments about the Chinese etc. are really not acceptable to me and probably others as well.

    Cause they are more expensive than the boards could be found
    I was suggesting you put links up for the more expensive ones with good support.

    Now this is the Op's thread and we should not hijack it . My opinion is different to your's so I will leave it as is.
    Last edited by Clive S; 27-09-2016 at 10:51 AM.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    I am not sure about what you say Dean. Part of me agrees, part of me thinks differently. I am not defending anything here, just my cold reasonable thoughts /of a traitor who sometimes out of frustration is secretly working for the enemy /
    Not quite sure what your meaning here with words like Traitor.?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    This is how i am thinking.I am just proposing.Anyone should decide for himself. Only the facts:

    -you can not skip machine setup with either controller

    -that mr H. or sb else has made his machine ATC work with Mach3 or 4 is Not = support from sb if you start going the same way. Even if someone that knows will have the desire to help you, these people are busy, so lack of time will make that impossible.
    No it doesn't and how can you say that. I've helped many many people and know of others that do all with differing experience levels. Many of them on this forum you included. How the hell did you get started.? ? ? . . . I'll tell you With help from others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    I have still fresh memories about 2x expensive Galil boards in my possession,you know there is a plugin for them and Mach3. Even a support forum. fresh memories come to mind how nobody could help me when help was needed. So- No, don't rely to support or help if doing anything specific.
    You bought an out of date controller that wasn't fully supported anymore. It's also controller that is aimed at Professional usage and as such expected the person fitting as required knowledge. So Again it's case or workman blameing the tools.!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    -an expert in Macros will have no problem programming any controller or software and making an ATC work.
    Exactly the users isn't an expert and those with the skills don't often give it away for free. So your cheap controller suddenly isn't so cheap or easy.!

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    -Windows is crappy, PC even a cheap one could become quite expensive when starts to waste your time. Especially if you value it. You need right away to change the disk to a flash drive to avoid reliability problems, reinstall windows and so on,

    -exchanging a dead controller is 1/2 hour. changing a PC-combo could take days . I know that for a fact, even that i am a Pc geek. What about the people that are not?
    Complete rubbish on both accounts. PC's are very reliable these days and if correctly backed up simple to restore. Also any PC controlling machinery should be dedicated PC and will be minimal re-install if required at all. Also doesn't need to be high end PC when used with decent motion controller so no great expense required.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    - i am sure the user database on the Chinese controllers is much bigger in volume than any typical one or even the whole Mach user database. These controllers are sold in the millions and i know that for a fact. Its known for a fact that they are fitted on ATC machines, have seen enough videos on the net and that some companies silently retrofit them here in Europe.
    Ok well then go find me somebody who's very competant and willing to freely share there knowledge of these controllers.? The simple truth is you won't or can't because while many maybe fitted to industrial machines they won't give there hard learnt expensively come by knowledge away. Even if they would share it they will charge hefty price for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    -if you hire sb from west expect >50-60 per hour for that job. I know at least of a couple of companies that could sell you the controller a bit more expensive but know what they are doing and speak English. So presale questions could be asked and even they could do the heavy lifting with the ATC setup.
    Yes so do I and sure just about anyone on here could find company to do this but then it's not DIY is it. May have well just gone out and bought machine with controller fitted.
    This is like comparing apples with oranges. Completely different things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    at the other hand:

    -Chinese are extremely unreliable, cheat like monkeys, haggle like old gypsies and pretend to be dumb like donkeys. Like every other Asian they think they are superior to us - in trade, intelligence and cunning. Its a fact that any Asian is better in trade.

    -Chinglish manuals are serious challenge to anyone's intelligence

    -Chinese don't care what they sell here, they have enormous market

    -Chinese don't have a hacking idea what we need, what functions are needed for DIY machine of any type or for a retrofit.

    -Whatever they sell to us they seriously overcharge for it compared to their real price for Chinese market and meanwhile having the self satisfaction that they are hacking us
    Sorry Boyan but that's shamefull attitude. It's Disrespectfull and verging on Racist.
    I've dealt with Chinise for many years both with CNC and other non CNC related business dealings and can tell you with hand on heart I've never been ripped off by one of them. Which can't say to be true by companys in EU.
    I can also say I've never had supplier from Uk or EU send me unrelated gifts they are not trying to sell for free. I've had several such gifts from chinese sellers.!! . . . . Infact I'm drinking one of them Now.

    Lets just say we are not going to agree on this one.!! . . I won't be replying to anything you post on this matter, I've said what's needed saying so don't waste your time and lets leave the OP thread alone.

  4. #24
    Ok dokey. Will not say a word more here. Was just being helpful and Objective. Sorry for hijacking the thread. Was feeling the need to say my opinion on subject and respond to accusations or misinterpretation of my words, but just while there was somebody to listen to.
    project 1 , 2, Dust Shoe ...

  5. #25
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Current Activity: Viewing Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,627. Received thanks 113 times, giving thanks to others 70 times.
    Well, at least the OP now knows all the options ...

    Seen your email JazzCNC?

  6. #26
    Chaz. Choose to look at it with a smile :-)
    But in all honesty, a simple questions doesn`t require more than a simple answer

  7. #27
    Ok, so far i have to deside on the following options(all being Nema34 With original gearing ration and belted):
    X/Y axis Option 1: KL34H260-42-8A Stepper Motor – 465 oz in 6A With KL-8070D Digital Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver-32 bit DSP from Automation Technologies
    X/Y axis Option 2: KL34H260-35-4A Stepper Motor - 465 oz/in 3.5A With KL-8056D Digital Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver-32 bit DSP from Automation Technologies
    X/Y axis Option 3: 34HS7840 Stepper Motor - 567oz/in 4A With DM860A Stepper motor driver 7.8A 256micsteps 24~80VDC from longsmotor666 (eBay)

    Z axis option 1 : KL34H295-43-8A Stepper Motor – 906 oz in 6.1A With KL-8070D Digital Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver-32 bit DSP from Automation Technologies
    Z axis option 2 : KL34H260-42-8A Stepper Motor – 465 oz in 6A With With KL-8070D Digital Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver-32 bit DSP from Automation Technologies
    Z axis option 3 : 34HS9805-37B2CNC Stepper Motor 880oz-in 2A 8wires With DM860A Stepper motor driver 7.8A 256micsteps 24~80VDC from longsmotor666 (eBay)

    A/B 4&5 axis cradle : Belt driven og geared Down Nema 23 465-650 oz/in with KL-8056 or DM860A Drivers that will be decided later.


    Controller Option 1 : CSMIO/IP-S 6 axis Ethernet Motion Controller (STEP/DIR)
    Controller Option 2 : C11 – R9.6S751-9 6 axis, Multifunction CNC BoB with Relay and Spindle Control
    Controller Option 3 : Suggestions ?

    Considering the old Nema34 steppers delivered (a stunning ) 212,4oz/in, the new steppers will deliver twice as much for X/Y and even mor for the Z axis.
    The new drivers will all be compatible with new controllers and Mach3 or 4, deliver a bit more cirrent, AND will have microstep option.


    I have 3 questions i was hoping i could get some quick reply on before i purchase these parts.
    1. Will C11 handle 6 (in reality 5) axis at the same time when 3D milling parts on my 4&5th axis cradle considering the BoB itself, and the fact that it utilizes the parallel port?
    I mean, the CSMIO/IP-S is NOT cheap(for a good reason) at nearly 5X higher price compared to C11.
    However i do want to utilize my ATC in time(which the C11 can`t handle without a PLC). Both will handle my existing DC milling motor and driver


    2. Any good reason why i shouldn`t by from longsmotor on eBay instead of Automation Technologies Inc ?
    My brief experience with Automation Technologies is very positive, but my impression is that longsmotor seemingly delivers good quality and service. AND somewhat lower price.


    3. Should i keep my existing 220VAC/60-18-12VAC tranformer or og for a solution with tripple 24V/8.3A Switching CNC Power Supply, or dual 48VDC/12.5A Switching CNC Power Supply.
    Have no idea about the Power output from the existing Torodial PS, but if they did the job when constructing the VMC, it should be able to handle the drivers at max 5 Amps.
    That should be 60Vac x 5Amp x 3 drivers = 900W +10% = Approx 1000W. Could try loading it to find max current at axeptable voltage drop, but thta would mean a powerful regulator should be used.
    Keeping it at 24V with New PSU means lower noise and should perhaps be considered.


    Appreciate swift advice and suggestions gentlemen.

    (By the way, old bearly used and functioning electronics and motors will be sold if anybody should be interested).
    Last edited by Proteus; 02-10-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  8. #28
    Sorry about the messy layouts Gents.
    Tryed to get some spacing between the paragraphs, and not quite used to this editor yet.

    And i came across the HiCon Integra6 axis Controller afterwards.
    Any experience With this one anybody ?
    Last edited by Proteus; 02-10-2016 at 12:55 PM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Boyan Silyavski View Post
    Or you could be our guinea pig and try one of the standalone 3- 4 axis chinese controllers. I will point you from where and which one exactly, if interested. Around 500-600 euro. means 300 euro cheaper than CSMIO and mach4 is another 200. I will buy it off if you are not happy. Just i don't have physical time to do all i want to, and one of these things is test said controller.

    It is able to rigid tap and tool change . I am talking about the 980- 990MC , here is the manual . Dean said will be testing the 1000 one/numbers dont mean anything, its totally made by another company/ . So meanwhile i could test another one from third company. All of them are similarly priced and look like similar,

    I am talking like this one here / this not the best price i think/ .
    I got a price for the gsk980 direct and they wanted £1262 delivered, what is the price of the GSk990. What makes GSK so much better than the £450 controller from cnc workshop on ebay.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Barron View Post
    I got a price for the gsk980 direct and they wanted £1262 delivered, what is the price of the GSk990. What makes GSK so much better than the £450 controller from cnc workshop on ebay.

    All the controllers in Aliexpress are rebadged GSK or a copy of them, not sure which. What did i say about Chinese some posts up, remember? / the near racist ones as Dean said, though it was only observations . Now start to get it?
    Last edited by Boyan Silyavski; 02-10-2016 at 01:10 PM.
    project 1 , 2, Dust Shoe ...

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