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  1. #1
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Name:	portrait.jpg 
Views:	1048 
Size:	43.0 KB 
ID:	19415 hi all, i have done my first picture carving and im not sure what would be the best way to finish it, stains or varnishs etc, the wood is sapelle any advice would be great :)

  2. #2
    What program exactly do you use?

    The way you have done it, its very difficult to say. I would say do it again.

    The way you have done it its a kind of mixture between 3d and Vcarving.

    If it was pure 3d like:

    You would need just to fine sand it.

    If it was pure V carve like:

    then clean with plastic brush and sand it

    Both could be sealed linseed oil, tung oil or polyurethane or epoxy.

    Now i don't want to discourage you but as i am a sincere one, just do it again. I think it could be done better. My advice is:

    -don't be in a hurry and pre visualise it better in software
    -do a test small pieces until you are happy, then the big piece.
    -search similar stuff and see how others do it/ Vectric forum/
    -its and art, so there will be mistakes at first
    -V carve is mainly for 3d lithophanes that are backlit, so it takes even more to do it properly the way you intended to do it.
    -that above is the only good result i found in Google search, so that should be your starting point to compare what you are doing
    -In a imaginary business, if you are not ready to pay money for your final result, then its still not good enough
    Last edited by Boyan Silyavski; 10-10-2016 at 02:40 PM.
    project 1 , 2, Dust Shoe ...

  3. #3
    Neale's Avatar
    Lives in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 9 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,740. Received thanks 297 times, giving thanks to others 11 times.
    If that's the effect you want, it's fine! It's not a lithophane but it does give quite a good 3D effect. However, the finish you are getting from the tool really isn't very good and I think that you need to look at the tool you are using, speeds/feeds, stepover, etc. Can you say a bit more about the machine you are using and the settings, and maybe you will get some suggestions on how to improve finish? At the moment, you will need a lot of hand-finishing before you can think of what varnish/oil/wax would work best.

  4. #4
    moring all, im using vectrics photo vcarve, tool is a 0.75mm ball nose, max carving depth 2mm, 50 percent line spacing, feed 30 inches min

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