. .
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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts View Post
    This just got posted to the tube: https://youtu.be/_1wqZFhTCVs

    OK, so it looks as though you get the MB with the ETH version?
    Still need BOB's or Isolation Lee they MB only provides headers which arent Optoisolated.

    One thing that baffels me with this Company is they provide good hardware that is stable and with decent software/backup provide it on Motherboard with headers but then cripple it by not providing isolated I/O system that can handle 24V.

    It wouldn't take much more effort or cost to add this and make it much more usable piece of hardware. I would use them in heart beat on machines I build if didn't require BOB and ran from 24V not 5V.

    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 12-11-2016 at 05:57 PM.

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  3. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by A_Camera View Post
    What help do you need or what is missing according to you?
    Wiring diagram or more information.

    Well, the 13 page about the network setup is a bit too much, probably could be cut down to 1 or 2, but if it was, I bet you somebody would complain about being too condense. Actually, 5 pages are about wiring and that's all needed, at least for most people. I agree though that they should have combined the UC300USB and UC300ETH manuals, because especially with Mach3, some features are not explained in the UC300ETH manual.
    We must be looking at different manuals then. Last page in mine where it finally lets go of the ethernet wrestling match is page 18 of 22
    Pages 19, 20 and 21 cover pins in terms of inputs and output numbers, page 22 is a picture

    No, they are called Port #1, Port #2, Port #3, Port #4, Port #5 and Analog. Pins which are called "Input" are input pins, and those called "Outputs" are obviously output pins. Analog input 1 and 2 marks the pins which have the function of being analog input 1 and 2, likewise for analog outputs 1 and 2. If an input or output pin has the same name, it has obviously the same function because they are opposite each other and they are electrically connected to each other, for example there are two pins marked Analog input/output 1 and 2 and those are obviously the same (i.e. analog input 1 on pin 3 is the same as analog input 1 on pin 11) and not typo.

    I think all that is very clear to anyone with a not so negative attitude.
    Not being told anything and my reply is negative. ? Then to be told on a forum I need one of Arturo Duncan's cards to make it work ?

    Would it really hurt being more positive...?

    Perhaps they assume that a person buying such card knows why he/she is buying one and can connect it. Regardless of which, it is mentioned in the manual that it should be connected to a breakout board, and all those I have seen had a diagram about how to connect a machine to their BOB.
    Just looked at the CNC4PC site and the M44 board which now tells me I need a C23 / C25 / C32 M21 / M23 / M25 / M27 / or M41 board as well.

    Glad that cleared that up.

    You know it just might, note I said might, not really matter. Why? because people who are seriously interested have a different attitude and are willing to risk this small sum of money just to try it out. Also, people in general know that CNC Drive is providing excellent support, so I am pretty sure that a person who has problems with connecting the motion controller would get all the help needed. But... there will always be people who are never going to be satisfied... If they would have a manual containing hundreds of pages, describing basically everything, the price of the product would be higher and then some other people would complain that they are too expensive. Remember that CNC Drive is not a hobby for them, it is a company paying their daily bread. Also, perhaps very high volume is not their target, some time it is better to find the customers who KNOW what they need and want than finding too many customers who don't have a clue.

    No, you don't need to be an EE to be able to use their products, but sure, you need to have some basic electrical understanding about what you are doing and why. You not really qualify as an EE if you manage to connect their UC300ETH.
    Did you ever see the picture of the shelves above my desk where I have probably built over 100 CNC machines ?
    It's full of boards that don't work, promise the earth and never deliver or take your money and never reappear again.

    Sorry negative or not, I don't have the time to piss about and why should I . ? If the manufactures can't supply a finished working product then stuff them, there are plenty who can.

    I'm SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF wasting months and years of my life whilst idle people get others to do their work for them.
    Why should I buy 2, 3 or even 4 pieces of equipment off different suppliers who won't even talk to one another and I'm expected to be UNPAID piggy in the middle.
    Last edited by John S; 12-11-2016 at 06:06 PM.
    John S -

  4. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    I'm SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF wasting months and years of my life whilst idle people get others to do their work for them.
    Why should I buy 2, 3 or even 4 pieces of equipment off different suppliers who won't even talk to one another and I'm expected to be UNPAID piggy in the middle.
    Ye and you ain't got many years left ya Old Git so Chill out else you'll blow fuse early. .

  5. #24
    Yes Jazz but it has an inverse reaction, the more bad press they get the more they have to pull their socks up and the better it makes it for everyone else.

    It's just a pity it has to be this way.
    John S -

  6. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Yes Jazz but it has an inverse reaction, the more bad press they get the more they have to pull their socks up and the better it makes it for everyone else.

    It's just a pity it has to be this way.
    Ye 100% agree John but I'd hate to have come Visit you in hospital over Bloody BOB. .

  7. #26
    Lee Roberts's Avatar
    Lives in Wigan, United Kingdom. Current Activity: Viewing Moderator Control Panel Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 2,917. Received thanks 227 times, giving thanks to others 779 times. Made a monetary donation to the upkeep of the community. Referred 11 members to the community.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    Still need BOB's or Isolation Lee they MB only provides headers which arent Optoisolated.

    One thing that baffels me with this Company is they provide good hardware that is stable and with decent software/backup provide it on Motherboard with headers but then cripple it by not providing isolated I/O system that can handle 24V.

    It wouldn't take much more effort or cost to add this and make it much more usable piece of hardware. I would use them in heart beat on machines I build if didn't require BOB and ran from 24V not 5V.

    Yea understood...cheers

    Its probably just the evolution of the product and so on, USB is 5v, allot of hobby guys have for years/probably run 5v systems, they probably didn't expect the need to cater for such professional setup's like the ones you build. Who knows (Camera?), the next model/version may have iso and 24v...

    Or is it to do with the pros and cons of connecting to a host via USB vs PP vs Ethernet etc, electrical noise playing games but not having an effect on system I mean...

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Why should I buy 2, 3 or even 4 pieces of equipment off different suppliers who won't even talk to one another and I'm expected to be UNPAID piggy in the middle.
    I've got my own answer now guys thanks, I was mobile when asked and playing kindergarten cop so didn't watch the video properly...

    To order and recive the MB and PCB as pictured, its the UC300ETH-5LPT you need to order, the 5LPT part of that being the bit to watch for, I dont think it matters if you order from them direct at the mo, as at the time of writing this, they only have the ETH-5LPT listed in their web shop anyway!

    The different/additional motherboard's you can get, are just options/choices from other suppliers if you only have the UC300ETH PCB.

  8. #27
    I had a read through the manual as well. I would have liked to see little things like polarities on the analogue outputs and inputs. I don't expect to have to measure this kind of thing before wiring it into a system. This was the wiring manual, I think. I assumed that another doc would talk about configuration in Mach3, port and pin numbering, etc. This is the kind of thing that's obvious to someone who has used the device before but can be a real time-waster first time you meet one. Does look an interesting device, though, and if I weren't building in a CSMIO I might have considered one - plus the extra boards for opto-isolation, etc.

  9. #28
    I thought 24v inputs was not about being "professional" but was about being far less susceptible to EM noise, thus yielding a more robust system?

    It's just occurred to me that I have a bag of postage stamp sized boards which do bi-directional conversion of signals between two different voltage levels ;-)
    You think that's too expensive? You're not a Model Engineer are you? :D

  10. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts View Post
    Its probably just the evolution of the product and so on, USB is 5v, allot of hobby guys have for years/probably run 5v systems, they probably didn't expect the need to cater for such professional setup's like the ones you build.
    That's just it Lee it costs so little extra for these guys to do it right. It shouldn't be considered Professional level. It should be a standard for CNC.(To save loss of hair.!!)
    Only reason they don't include on the Mainboard is so they can sell BOB's.!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neale View Post
    Does look an interesting device, though, and if I weren't building in a CSMIO I might have considered one - plus the extra boards for opto-isolation, etc.
    Neil while it's nice board there's no way I'd swap for Cslabs IP-M other than to use there UCCnc software. If using Mach3 then it's still got long way go to compete with the quality of Cslabs units.
    Not until they dump the requirement for external BOB or Isolation and provide 24v I/O and remove the need for 5v psu would I consider using them, even if the UCcnc software is better than Mach3.

    If Cslabs would just change there policy and allow independant homing of the Slaved axis for router/plasma type machines they would blow every other PC based Motion controller at this level away. Can't believe they don't see the potential sales there losing because lack of this one feature and believe me I have told begged and pleaded with them on many occasions.
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 12-11-2016 at 07:52 PM.

  11. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Wiring diagram or more information.
    I am not sure a wiring diagram is really necessary in this manual. The manual itself can be improved, I agree, but wireing diagram should not be necessary, after all, this card is basically "only" a parallel port interface. Yes, it is more advanced than a simple interface, but still, you could see it as 5 individual parallel ports, 2 standard LPT and 3 mostly inputs. What they should perhaps describe better is the analog part, how to use it and so on. They should also refer to the UC300USB manual, which in my opinion is actually better.

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    We must be looking at different manuals then. Last page in mine where it finally lets go of the ethernet wrestling match is page 18 of 22
    Pages 19, 20 and 21 cover pins in terms of inputs and output numbers, page 22 is a picture
    We are looking at the same manual, but interpret it differently... I think. The Ethernet wrestling starts on page 4 and ends on page 16. before and after that is hardware information about the card which I think is important. But I agree that the manual could be improved.

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Not being told anything and my reply is negative. ? Then to be told on a forum I need one of Arturo Duncan's cards to make it work ?
    No, why would you need Arturo Duncan's cards to make it work? I don't even know who he is... :) just using a cheap BOB like this one:


    That's all you need to make it work. £5 card, unless you want something fancier. I have two of those, but one is enough. Not very expensive at all, and it is also clearly said in the manual, so "not being told anything" is really an understatement.

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Just looked at the CNC4PC site and the M44 board which now tells me I need a C23 / C25 / C32 M21 / M23 / M25 / M27 / or M41 board as well.

    Glad that cleared that up.
    I don't have that card. People talk about it and I really don't know why. In fact, I have no idea what all that is about. All you need is a simple BOB and if you don't care about buffering or isolation you can skip even that. With the card delivered is an IDC26 - DB25 ribbon cable which can be used to connect any parallel port based mill to the UC300ETH, but it is better to buy a BOB to get proper isolation and a screw terminal. That's all.

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Did you ever see the picture of the shelves above my desk where I have probably built over 100 CNC machines ?
    It's full of boards that don't work, promise the earth and never deliver or take your money and never reappear again.

    Sorry negative or not, I don't have the time to piss about and why should I . ? If the manufactures can't supply a finished working product then stuff them, there are plenty who can.

    I'm SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF wasting months and years of my life whilst idle people get others to do their work for them.
    Why should I buy 2, 3 or even 4 pieces of equipment off different suppliers who won't even talk to one another and I'm expected to be UNPAID piggy in the middle.
    Well, I feel sorry for you. ...but I have a stupid question... if your time is so precious and don't have any to waste, why waste it in this thread? It is obvious that all you want to do is negative bashing of a product you have no clue about, so why not use your precious time for something more useful and positive than trashing my thread and spreading negative BS? It is neither my fault nor CNC Drive's that you feel miserable. Why you waste moths and years I have no idea, but even if I had, I can't do much about. Better to contact somebody who can help you, because I can't.

    I don't care how many hundreds of CNC you have build or not. I have just built one and upgrade that one after my needs. First USB motion controller I bought was crap, after that I discovered CNC Drive's UC300USB which I happily used without trouble for a year or so and when they released the UC300ETH I knew what I was buying and from who, so I have absolutely no doubt in their products... Feel free to have a different opinion, but not knowing much about the product does not really make your opinion very credible regarding their products, the company or even their manuals, which you obviously misunderstood based on your comments about all the cards "needed".

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