Lee -

Not really a channel. This is the first and only video I've posted:

It is of the router I built in one of the first test runs.

Regarding the UC400 being a cut down version of the UC300, although the product numbering would lead you to believe otherwise, I think your're right. I bought the 400 because I wanted the best UCCNC controller and I thought that the 400 was the top of the line based on its product number and thats all the further I looked into it. I think the UC300ETH is better. It wasnt that much of an inconvenience to make the 400 work, just a couple extra components. And it is very fast! My servo's can handle a 500Khz data stream and the UC400 can stream at 400KHz very nicely. The ethernet connection can give you a lot of flexibility if you want to configure your network to work that way. I did not. I bought a dedicated computer to drive the router and simply used the ethernet cable just like one would use a USB cable.

Another thing I like about the UC400ETH is that you dont need another board like a smooth stepper etc. I used a breakout board like this: https://www.winford.com/products/brkg25.php Except mine has different connector that adapted to the UC400. Less than $25.