Quote Originally Posted by spluppit View Post
I nearly put in that i have zero experience of Mach of any kind. I was just drawing from my general experience of commercial controllers and especially ones with manual tool change like knee mills as an example. Some do accommodate out of position moves some don't. Mach will only be based on commercial controllers features. Looking at Jogaras reply from the mach forums it seems this was the case from what he said.
Actually Mach3 isn't based on commercial controllers which is exactly why it became so popular because it did it's own thing without any of the restrictions commercial controllers imposed. However this eventually became it's downfall and why it as so many strange and wonderful habbits today.
As people requested more and more features for more and more oddball setups then because Art fennerty was such an obliging bloke it became a monster.
Each version that got released to take account of someone's request would break something for someone else. On top of this Art wasn't actually a programmer by trade just a genius who decided to have go because couldn't find a controller that did what he wanted. This meant the code was lets say less than easy to fathom for developers.
This is why so many external motion controllers fail because they don't have artsofts support and the code is mine field which tried to be All things to All machines and in lots ways won but in others failed badly.

All this said the fact remains that Mach3 DOES allow jogging in tool changes so it should work. If it doesn't then it's most likely down to the controllers plug-in.
Yes there are always work arounds but shouldn't have to in this case if the controller plug-in was working correctly.