Hey everyone!

Been trying to wrap my head around electonics for my controlcabinet.

Cant really understand NO vs NC..

I mean.. for proximity switches NO means there is always contact exept when triggered.. right?
NC always closed exept when triggered?

How about relays and contactors?
Here is where I get confused
To me NO relays should be closed exept when you power up the coil... then it should closed.. right?
But it seems to be the other way around.. that the condition NO or NC talks about a powered up coil?

Or am I still confused?

Still working on the mechanical for my routerbuild so there is no hurry for me to complete the Electrics, but I would really like to understand what Im doing when I get there

Oh! And one more question :) Where do you all buy cheap relays? And caps?
Heard that I should stay away from ebay for these ones!

The mad-one